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The ultimate puzzle adventure is back! Shore up and build your empire on a legendary, magical new land in Puzzle Craft 2. Farm crops, excavate mines, scour the seas and transform emerging settlements into bustling towns for your workers. With an entire empire at your fingertips, there’s always something to do! Mine, craft, build! – match tiles, collect valuable resources, craft tools and build up your towns. Use your influence and magical runes to control weather, summon villagers and more! Land, air and sea – discover new species and resources as you explore this magical island. Venture out to sea in search of more supplies and discover long lost treasures. Rule them all! – journey across a massive empire, rule over many settlements at once and grow a mighty empire in the biggest Puzzle Craft yet! Puzzle Craft 2 features: • Rule over an entire empire in the ultimate puzzle adventure sequel • Match tiles to farm, mine, scavenge, craft and build settlements into bustling cities for your workers • Explore the seas in search of resources and lost treasures • Over 40 puzzles to unlock and discover new resources waiting to be crafted into useful tools • Hundreds of quests, challenges, treasures, trophies and more to find and complete • Rank your empire with your friends and compete in Royal Quests via Facebook


Mense hou ook van

Wat is nuut in hierdie weergawe

Hello fellow Puzzle Crafters! We updated the game with lots of new features and bug fixes. The game is optimized for Windows Universal Platform - both for desktop and mobile devices. We also improved graphics and animations. As for fixes: Back button is working properly now. Also we corrected the issue with lost saves. Hopefully it will work seamlessly. So, have fun with our game and may the best Emperor win!

Bykomende inligting

Gepubliseer deur

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH

Ontwikkel deur

SYZYGY Deutschland GmbH



Benaderde grootte

164,33 MG


Vir ouderdom 3 en ouer


Legkaart en trivia

Hierdie toepassing kan

Verkry toegang tot jou internetverbinding
Verkry toegang tot jou internetverbinding en tree as 'n bediener op.


Kry hierdie toepassing terwyl jy by jou Microsoft-rekening aangemeld is en installeer dit op tot 10 Windows 10-toestelle.

Taal ondersteun

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
Polski (Polska)
Русский (Россия)

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