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Enjoy the classic game of word search for FREE on your Windows computer. Open up Simple Word Search and start playing right away - no accounts to make or purchases necessary. All game boards are generated dynamically so you will never get the same board twice. Finish puzzles to earn stars and collect special alphabet characters. A fun and comprehensive dictionary of words makes this game fun for players of all ages and skill levels. Enjoy the daily puzzle feature where you can earn bonus stars by playing specially themed puzzles. Fun sounds and animations round out this classic word game.


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Wat is nuut in hierdie weergawe

Enjoy the all new daily puzzle feature. Make sure to play every day for a new puzzle with a unique theme that will earn you bonus stars!


  • Infinite game play with dynamically generated game boards
  • Easy to use controls
  • Comprehensive dictionary is appropriate for all ages and skill levels
  • Customizable gameplay settings
  • Collectible alphabet characters
  • Earn bonus stars by playing the daily puzzle

Bykomende inligting

Gepubliseer deur

Random Salad Games LLC


Copyright © 2018, Random Salad Games LLC



Benaderde grootte

109,83 MG


Vir ouderdom 3 en ouer



Hierdie toepassing kan

Verkry toegang tot jou internetverbinding


Kry hierdie toepassing terwyl jy by jou Microsoft-rekening aangemeld is en installeer dit op tot 10 Windows 10-toestelle.

Taal ondersteun

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Polski (Polska)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)

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