Aquesta aplicació requereix la versió més recent del Microsoft Edge.


THE #1 HIT WITH OVER 250,000,000 PLAYERS WORLDWIDE! 4 pictures that have 1 word in common – what is it? Find out why everyone loves this game and JOIN THE FUN NOW! *ENDLESS FUN WITH NEW PUZZLES!* Can you guess the words and unlock the levels? Countless puzzles from easy to tricky are waiting for you! New puzzles are added continuously for endless word fun! *PURE, INSTANT FUN* No registration, no complicated rules. Just start playing and have fun! *SIMPLE AND HIGHLY ADDICTIVE GAMEPLAY* Which word are we looking for? Look at the four pictures; find out what they have in common. Win! *ONE OF THE MOST ADDICTIVE BRAINTEASERS IN THE WORLD!* There are over 250,000,000 4 Pics 1 Word enthusiasts playing across the globe in 8 languages. Join them!

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7,37 MB

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Per a majors de 3 anys



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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