

This "Dress Up" game lets you start with a character/outfit and customize the appearance based on skin color, eye color, hair style, hair color, clothes/outfit color, and background. Now includes 12 "characters" (8 girls, 4 boys) to choose from. Features - use the save image feature to save an image of your character to the application folder after temporarily hiding user interface buttons - ability to play Simon-like mini-game using variations of your selected character/outfit

Captures de pantalla

Als usuaris també els hi agrada

Novetats d'aquesta versió

Updates to improve performance. Also updated functionality of the save image feature to actually now save the image to the application folder for you instead of just hiding the UI buttons for you to manually do a screen capture.


  • - use the save image feature to save an image of your character to the application folder after temporarily hiding user interface buttons
  • - ability to play Simon-like mini-game using variations of your selected character/outfit

Informació addicional

Publicat per

Tri-Angel Software and Games


Copyright © 2014-2024, Tri-Angel Software and Games

Desenvolupat per

Tri-Angel Software and Games

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

302,59 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys

Aquesta aplicació pot

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Obtén aquesta aplicació mentre tinguis la sessió iniciada al compte de Microsoft i instal·la-la en un màxim de deu dispositius Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Condicions addicionals

Estratègia de privadesa: Dress Me Up Cutie
Condicions de la transacció
Termes de llicència: Dress Me Up Cutie
We use a third party SDK to deliver ads (advertisements) to You while using our apps and games. The Privacy Policy for the Ad Service Provider (Vungle, Inc.) is found on their website at and goes into more details into data collection and use of Your information.

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