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Exploration Craft is a game which lets you explore randomly generated world, construct items ranging from torches, beds and TV to castles, pools or staircases. FEATURES: ❖ Animals 🐶 🐱 🐰 🐻 🐼 🐨 🐮 🐷 and more ... ❖ 😱 Save/Load system 😱 ❖ 🤗 Default Blocks,Premium Blocks 🤗 ❖ 🌍 Two types of world generation 🌍 ❖ 🎁 Daily gifts 🎁 ❖ 🤣 Funny animations 😎 ❖ 🤩 Nice day/night cycle control 🤩. 🔥 Explorers and builders, play for free now! 🔥 It all depends on your imagination and if you want to build new things.Creating and designing the buildings of your choice means you're only limited by your own imagination. You can opt to build castles, fortresses, houses, futuristic skyscraper designs or cave dwellings and the wealth of furniture accessories to choose means your homes can be kitted out with style and in a manner that is most suited to the chosen design of the building. Add trees and landscaping detail to the terrain to create a realistic 3D environment home of your own. Players can move building blocks quickly and easily using arrow keys on the screen, while accessing the menu gives choices of terrain style and the types of building blocks, accessories and furniture choices players need to create their imaginary landscapes. Destroy the blocks and work your way to treasure in this exploration game inspired by the world of Pixels. Play Exploration Craft ! Share your experience with us and give feedback so we can improve the game.

Captures de pantalla

Novetats d'aquesta versió

V5.9 is Available ! ✦Added ➊ New Blocks - "Military" ✦Fixes Enjoy World of ultimate craft ! Share you experience leave comment and review


  • Craft
  • Build
  • Blocks
  • Pixel
  • Farm
  • Explore
  • Sendbox
  • Pats
  • Gold
  • Mining

Informació addicional

Publicat per

Hobo Development


Hobo Games

Desenvolupat per

Hobo Games

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

92,04 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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