

A remote enemy base camp has been spotted at the north region of the city... As an elite Officer, you have been given a mission to clear the enemy base; but within the limited time period. You will be encountered by enemy soldiers at each checkpoint and you have to kill them and move step by step. The Mission assigned to you directly from the GHQ. Your Mission: Your mission is to surround the enemy and kill. You will have limited amunation and will have limited time period. Destroy all important enemy assets including Fuel and Ammunition dumps, military tanks & helicopters. You might be attacked by enemy Gunship Helicopters or encounter mines or booby traps. Shoot the target at will. Go & won the battle; wish you good luck... Soldier How to Play: There are two method to play: Touch Device: if you are playing by Touch device then.. - Touch & Drag the screen anywhere to move/rotate your gun left, right, up or down - Tap Fire button at bottom right to fire any selected weapon - Select any weapon during action: Light Machine Gun, Pistol or RPG (Rocket Propelled Gun) - For enemy at far distance, use the Telescope for sniper shoot - The weapons will reload itself but keep an eye on the number of bullets ... You have limited ammunition. For PC: if you are playing by PC then. - Use the mouse cursor to move/rotate your gun left, right, up or down - Use the leftMouse Button to fire or press the "Left CTRL " key from keyboard

Captures de pantalla

És possible que no puguis accedir a aquest contingut.

Novetats d'aquesta versió

- Fix some bugs and Improvements in Game Control


  • FPS (First Person Shooter)
  • Complete Battlefield real looking 3D environment
  • Amazing Movie Quality sound effects and sound track
  • Easy GUI and controls
  • Enemy AI
  • Efficient weapon control and selection

Informació addicional

Publicat per

AbsoLogix Technologies Limited


Absologix Technology Limited

Desenvolupat per

AbsoLogix Technologies Limited

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

47,71 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 16 anys



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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