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Gold Digger FRVR is the best digging game, for both gold rush veterans and mining fans. Take your pickaxe and your helmet and start drilling! Let’s dig day and night, let’s find tons of gold and some treasures, let’s put them on the ground and make some money! But aware of the giant rocks, make smart use of your pickaxe and dig wisely, otherwise they will fall on you and you'll lose all the gold! Instead of that, try to connect three or more rocks to blast them and get even more gold! Explore every corner of the cave and do not leave a stone unexcavated. Who knows what could you find in the depths of a gold mine? Dig up ancient dinosaurs bones, valuable gold nuggets of even shiny diamonds. No rock can stop you from your mining mission! Be careful of underground explosions and use the checkpoint base to save your progress. Start mining and fill your bag with gold and diamonds in the best free digging game ever! Can you become the speleology tycoon?

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10,08 MB

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Per a majors de 3 anys


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English (United States)

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