

HandsUP LESCO: This innovative educational application invites you to discover Costa Rican Sign Language (LESCO) in a fun and educational way. Originally designed for deaf children, this app will appeal to people of all ages interested in learning LESCO. Behind this initiative is Esteban O. Campos Sánchez, a visionary committed to inclusion and communication. His passion for promoting LESCO as a bridge between deaf and hearing individuals led him to create HandsUP LESCO. New in version 2.0: New Videos +250: More than 250 new videos. Learn to express yourself in LESCO authentically and comprehensively through enriching lessons. Each video is carefully crafted to ensure you capture not only the words but also the emotions that accompany them! Added Game Levels and Difficulty: Learning has never been this exciting! We have incorporated game levels and challenges into our app. From beginners to advanced users, you'll find challenges tailored to your level. Unlock achievements, level up, and master Sign Language while having fun! 24/7 Support Team: At HandsUP LESCO, your success is our priority. Our support team is available 24/7 to answer your questions, provide assistance, and ensure you have a smooth and satisfying learning experience. Enhanced Learning: Our mission is for you to not only learn LESCO but also master it and integrate it into your daily life. With HandsUP LESCO, you not only acquire language skills but also immerse yourself in an inclusive and enriching culture! Explore more on our website and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram Learn, play, and connect with HandsUP LESCO!

Captures de pantalla

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Novetats d'aquesta versió

New Videos +250: More than 250 new videos. Learn to express yourself in LESCO authentically and comprehensively through enriching lessons. Each video is carefully crafted to ensure you capture not only the words but also the emotions that accompany them! Game Levels and Added Difficulty: Learning has never been this exciting! We have incorporated game levels and challenges into our application. From beginners to advanced users, you'll find challenges that suit your level. Enhanced Learning: Our mission is for you to not only learn LESCO but also master it and integrate it into your daily life. With HandsUP LESCO, you not only acquire language skills, but you also immerse yourself in an inclusive and enriching culture!


  • This innovative educational application invites you to discover Costa Rican Sign Language (LESCO) in a fun and educational way.

Informació addicional

Publicat per

Esteban Campos Sánchez


© 2023 - HandsUP LESCO Costa Rica

Desenvolupat per

Esteban Orlando Campos Sánchez

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

195,66 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys




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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Condicions addicionals

Estratègia de privadesa: HandsUP LESCO
Condicions de la transacció
Termes de llicència: HandsUP LESCO
HandsUP LESCO is an application designed to facilitate the learning of Costa Rican Sign Language, also known as LESCO. This application has been registered and protected in the National Registry of Costa Rica under file number 10967 (Registered Name: Hands UP LESCO), indicating that it holds the corresponding intellectual property rights. The registration in the National Registry of Costa Rica provides legal protection to Hands UP LESCO against possible plagiarism, unauthorized copies, or misuse of its contents. This ensures that the application and its characters are used correctly and that the corresponding copyright rights are respected. For more information, visit:

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