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Play Hangman - a captivating word guessing game. You can test your mastery with words from different categories. Just choose your favorite category and press start. Try different letters to discover the right answer while avoiding the more improbable ones. ★ ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★ ✓ 10 categories: countries, capitals, US states, US presidents, animals, actresses, actors, films, music, soccer teams ✓ intuitive interface ✓ thorough word lists ★ ★ ★ TIPS ★ ★ ★ ✓ Choose a category from the list and press -Start-. ✓ Press the letter you think is a likely fit in the word guessed. ✓ Discover the word before the stick-man gets hanged. ✓ Once a word is discovered a new word from the same category will be displayed to be guessed. ✓ To start a new game press -New Game- in the main menu. ✓ To pause the game just enter the main menu. ★ Support and Feedback If you have any technical problems please email us directly at Please, don’t leave support problems in our comments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longer to fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you for your understanding!

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Als usuaris també els hi agrada


  • Play Hangman - a captivating word guessing game.
  • You can test your mastery with words from different categories.
  • 10 categories: countries, capitals, US states, US presidents, animals, actresses, actors, films, music, soccer teams

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G Soft Team


© 2012-2022 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.

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© 2012-2022 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.

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Mida aproximada

50,32 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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English (United States)

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