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Hidden Words 365 is a fun and addictive word puzzle game in which you will have to find all the words in a grid. Unlike traditional word searching games, a word NO LONGER has to be diagonal, horizontal or vertical. It can be in a ZIGZAG formation. With its 365 awesome grids, spread over four beautiful seasons, this relaxing game will keep you busy for a while! Try to be fast enough to earn all the stars and become a word search master!

Captures de pantalla


  • 365 awesome grids
  • Remove the words in a grid using your mouse or finger
  • Use the magic lamp to get some hints
  • Be quick enough to collect all the stars
  • Beautiful graphics

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Copyright © 2020, Larocque

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29,66 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys


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Idioma compatible

English (United States)
Français (France)

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