Aquesta aplicació requereix la versió més recent del Microsoft Edge.


It’s a grand time to harvest some solitaire fun! If you enjoy card games and the words Pyramid, Klondike, Spider mean something to you, or even if you’re just on the verge of discovering solitaire puzzles, Kings & Queens welcome you on your journey! This beautiful tripeaks saga has a lot to offer. Become an honorable member of Kings & Queens club and enjoy its never-ending perks: – Savor picturesque landscapes while solving challenging puzzles! – Complete countless tri peaks levels to become the solitaire master! – Learn the sophisticated art of playing the wildcards and use it to your advantage! – Try to keep up with mischievous magic cards and to pick enchanted locks! – Uncover hidden golden treasures and collect priceless rubies on your journey! OTHER FEATURES ALSO INCLUDE: ● Global leaderboard - compete with players around the world; ● Constant fun - daily quests, events, activities, challenges, and rewards; ● Play anywhere - continue the game on any platform everywhere with automatically saved game progress; ● Free Solitaire - Kings & Queens is an absolutely free-to-play online tripeaks solitaire puzzle with an option to make some purchases. It’s easy to learn and hard to let go of! Get ready for your journey into the world of tripeaks solitaire puzzles together with Kings & Queens!

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Clever Apps Pte Ltd

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Clever Apps Pte. Ltd.

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6,2 MB

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Per a majors de 3 anys



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