Aquesta aplicació requereix la versió més recent del Microsoft Edge.


With unlimited free levels, vibrant high quality graphics, amazing music and sounds, large and easy to see controls and a relaxing game play, Lines FRVR is a must have for puzzle players of all ages. Even better, it's free! Fill the board by drawing lines between all dots to win the game. As always there is no time limit! Making for a fun and relaxing puzzle experience. Lines FRVR features: - Beautiful vibrant HD graphics - Play unlimited free levels - Great sound effects and music - Easy to understand game play - No need to install anything, works without Flash or Java If you like dots and lines connecting puzzle games then you will love Lines FRVR!

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FRVR Limited

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Mida aproximada

6,43 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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