

Mahjong is one of the most popular games in the world. The purpose of this game is to find open pairs of identical tiles and remove them from the board. In order to win, you need to find and remove all the tiles. Features:    * Three beautiful tile sets    * Five beautiful backgrounds of your choice    * The ability to turn off the music (if you want to listen to your music during the game)    * Forty figures of varying complexity    * Everything is completely free * Great music Over 1 million people are already playing our mahjongs. We offer you a new Mahjong on the theme of "Retro America". Now it's your turn to join the game!

Captures de pantalla

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  • Beautiful tile sets
  • Beautiful backgrounds of your choice
  • The ability to turn off the music (if you want to listen to your music during the game)
  • Forty figures of varying complexity

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Mida aproximada

102,31 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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English (United States)

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