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Immerse yourself in a new mystical story full of secrets and puzzles! A severe storm and car accident force you to seek refuge in an abandoned Wax Museum. But an unknown force doesn’t let you leave it... The marks of time and vandalism don’t hide the beauty and extraordinariness of the exhibits, but where did the burning torches and other signs of life come from? It’s up to you to reveal the terrible secret of the Wax Museum and defeat an ancient Evil! Colorful scenery, animation, and 3D visual effects will make your adventure vivid and fun. Those with a competitive streak can collect bonuses for speed and repeat the quest with new puzzles. Game features: - Unusual locations - at many of them you can view 360 degrees or investigate an important section in detail. - Find different documents and follow the gripping story of the Museum! - Build your collection. Go through scenes again to try new quests and get new rewards! - Look behind objects! Your clues may be hidden there.

Captures de pantalla


  • hidden objects
  • mystery game
  • finding pictures
  • detective game
  • hidden object games

Informació addicional

Publicat per

CrispApp Studio


2021 Crisp App Studio

Desenvolupat per

Crisp App Studio

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

777,47 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 7 anys


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Idioma compatible

English (United States)
Čeština (Česko)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Українська (Україна)

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