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PinoFBT (Support 60-FPS and Dual Tracking) - The ultimate solution for VRChat/Dance Dash/SteamVR body tracking on your Meta Quest Series VR / PCVR headsets! —————————————————————————————— Say goodbye to the hassle of downloading additional applications or drivers as PinoFBT offers seamless full-body tracking for VRChat experiences.With PinoFBT, you can enjoy dancing, walking, and talking in VRChat/Dance Dash. As it keeps updating, it will support more and more games. PinoFBT supports single-phone and high-quality dual-phone tracking. PinoFBT's local Wi-Fi connection from your iPhone to your Quest headset or PC offers 360-degree and 60-FPS tracking, allowing you to move around freely and get the most out of your VR experience. Using the iPhone's camera to capture your body's motion with accurate tracking, PinoFBT comes free with chest and hip tracking. Furthermore, the subscription offers two elbows, two knees, and two feet to your tracking capabilities. As well as future app updates and support in PinoFBT’s Official Discord Server. In-App Subscription With a Lite/Lite+/Pro/Pro+ in-app subscription, you can upgrade/downgrade/crossgrade your subscription as per your convenience, and any unused portion of a free trial will be forfeited if you purchase a subscription. To learn more about PinoQuest's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, visit their official website. Check out the tutorial video on their YouTube channel and join their Discord community for any support or queries. With PinoFBT, take your VR experiences to the next level! Terms of Use (EULA): Privacy Policy: Official Website: Official Youtube Channel: Tutorial Video: Discord(support): Patreon: Can’t access Discord? Contact our Support Email:

Captures de pantalla

Als usuaris també els hi agrada

Novetats d'aquesta versió

First release to the Windows platform.


  • full body tracking

Informació addicional

Publicat per

Jimmy Huang

Desenvolupat per

Jimmy Huang

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

190,47 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



Aquesta aplicació pot

Utilitza la teva càmera web
Utilitza els dispositius que admeten el protocol de dispositiu d'interfície humana (HID)
Accedeix a la teva connexió a Internet
Accedeix a la teva connexió a Internet i actua com a servidor.
Accedeix a les xarxes de casa o de la feina


Obtén aquesta aplicació mentre tinguis la sessió iniciada al compte de Microsoft i instal·la-la en un màxim de deu dispositius Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Informa sobre aquest producte

Inicia la sessió per informar d'aquest joc a Microsoft
Informe aquest producte per al contingut no vàlid

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