Aquesta aplicació requereix la versió més recent del Microsoft Edge.


Police Chase Drifter is a fun car game where you get to run from the police! A dazzling game. Drive past the police cars and let them hit each other. In this way, you make sure your objectives can be attained. Collect money to upgrade your ride, and don’t forget that this game was created for you to have a blast. So make sure that while you are in the chase, with your goals in mind, enjoy this game as much as you can. Those cars know how to slide, we assure you. And in that slide is stated the power of entertainment by this game.

Captures de pantalla


  • Car skins
  • Multiple levels

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Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

2,41 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 7 anys


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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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