4,99 €
4,99 €


Princess LadyBug Runner is an endless running game that appeals to hundreds of 4 players. Run as fast as you can and dodge the trains or buses that are about to collide with you. if you love Princess LadyBug running , so you should be download This perfect game of lady and Cat Noir run game now. The princess lady bug and Cat Noir subway has amazing graphics and lovely characters. So the world required a Cat hero Noir, we got you Lady bug . Controlled with mind blowing speed, ladies bug The Red woman accepts his new home on Earth. This is a great 3D running match-up, tram run as quick as possible! Ladybug Hero and start blast running through the trams experience! run & jump as quick as you'll possible to evade the approaching trains in the metro and getaway the examiners, So in this Princess ladybug runner game, you can run with your favorite princess on fun ladybug running adventure, so you will Jump and run and fast as you can with your favorite cute ladys hero cat.

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Per a majors de 3 anys


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