

Back in 1990s inclusion of Solitaire, Minesweeper in Windows has resulted in billions of hours of lost productivity over the years. As any other successful game, millions of Solitaire clones have been created on all possible platforms. So why should you give our version a try? We tried to recreate all the fun of original game in a tiny download package. This Solitaire (Klondike version) will not take more cards than can be moved to another stack. Drag and drops whole column, only suitable cards will move, others snap back. The game will move proper card to foundation whenever possible to minimize clicks, taps and drags. Three different difficulty modes to control how many cards being opened, how many deck turnovers allowed and if King (vs any card) is required to initialize empty pile. The scoring reflects number of moves and the level - the lower the better. Use menu (top-right corner) for undo, change difficulty, check score, help or to start a new game.

Captures de pantalla

Als usuaris també els hi agrada


  • Classical gameplay
  • Optimized for touch devices

Informació addicional

Publicat per

GASP Mobile Games Inc


2011 GASP

Desenvolupat per

GASP Mobile Games Inc

Data de llançament


Mida aproximada

38,88 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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Accedeix a la teva connexió a Internet i actua com a servidor.


Obtén aquesta aplicació mentre tinguis la sessió iniciada al compte de Microsoft i instal·la-la en un màxim de deu dispositius Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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