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Do you like relaxing with classic word games! Word Connect games are the latest fun way to train your mind and vocabulary. Gameplay is simple to learn! Just swipe the letters to build words. Build all the words to finish a level, build all the hidden words to earn more rubies! No stress with time limits. Hours of fun and learning new with hundreds of levels. Improve your vocabulary, concentration and spelling skills with this word game! Solving levels is addicting, like giving snack of cookies to your brains! You will never be wordless after training new words with the dictionary mode. Stuck: Ask for help from your family members and friends with the share button. Word Connect Fun! is a simple but exciting word searching puzzle game that keeps you playing for hours! NOTES • "Word Connect Fun!" may contain ads like banners, interstitial, and video ads. • "Word Connect Fun!" is free to play, but you can purchase In-app items to get help for the game.

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Bug fixes and improvements,


  • Do you like relaxing with classic free word games!
  • Word Connect swipe words games are the latest fun genre to train your mind and vocabulary.
  • Hours of fun with words. Learn new words with hundreds of levels.
  • Word Connect Fun! is a simple but exciting word searching puzzle game that keeps you playing for hours!
  • Relaxing background music for calming effect. Like mindfulness with words!

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JH Digital Solutions


JH Digital Solutions

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162,63 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 3 anys



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