143,00 Kč

Instalaci musí schválit správce. Minimální požadovaný operační systém: Aktualizace Windows 10 z května 2019.Zobrazit požadavky na systém

143,00 Kč


Introducing Doctor Cat, the game that will immerse you in a society of cats! Step into the role of Doctor Cat, a renowned psychologist, and take care of adorable patient cats by discovering their stories and helping them overcome their traumas. Read stories based on real traumas and reflect on your learnings. Enjoy the tales of a group of cats who, when confronted with life's challenges, decide to seek out Doctor Cat. Solve charming puzzles while uncovering the story of your patients. In Doctor Cat, you'll have a unique opportunity to exercise empathy and understanding as you delve into the emotional world of these adorable little felines. Discover their personal journeys, follow their triumphs and challenges, and actively participate in their recovery. This game offers a perfect combination of fun and personal growth. You'll be entertained by charming puzzles while reflecting on profound issues and how they apply to the real world. After all, the traumas faced by the cats in the game are inspired by real experiences, making the experience even more meaningful. With Doctor Cat, you'll have an exciting, engaging, and captivating experience, full of meaningful lessons about the importance of caring for and supporting others. Get ready to fall in love with these adorable felines and embark on a unique and transformative journey!

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Afil Games

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© 2024. Developed by Headway Games. Published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.


Headway Games

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Věkové hodnocení

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Puzzle a minihry

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English (United States)
Português (Brasil)

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