The Alters: Demo
The Alters: Demo

Die Installation muss vom Administrator genehmigt werden. Mindestvoraussetzung für die Betriebssystemversion: Windows 10 May 2019 Update.Lesen Sie die Systemanforderungen



STRANDED BUT NOT ALONE Jan Dolski is a simple worker who faces impossible odds. Crash-landing on a distant planet, stranded and alone, he seems trapped with no way out. Jan’s only hope for survival is to employ additional helping hands on board his mobile base… but how? Improvising as he goes, Jan uses the local Rapidium substance to create alternate versions of himself: THE ALTERS. Have you wondered how your life would change if you chose a different path in the past? Who would you become? Jan Dolski is about to face answers to these questions which makes the predicament he is in even more daunting. Each one of his alters has a different personality and background as his life path is a result of a specific change in Jan’s life. To return home, Jan must not only get along with his alters but also face some crucial choices he made in the past. The decisions he will make based on that can occasionally put someone’s life at risk. The question is – are you ready to deal with the consequences of these choices? A RACE AGAINST TIME The planet Jan has landed on is slowly turning its face towards a giant sun. This means that radiation levels can quickly reach a critical level. Survival on this unforgiving planet is a death race, so the base Jan lives in must remain on the move. This, of course, is far easier said than done. The planet is highly inhospitable and filled with many difficult obstacles our Jan will have to overcome. To move across barren landscapes you need food, fuel, and other precious resources. Luckily, your base is ready to extract them from the surface of the planet. The only problem is that finding these required resources might prove quite challenging… and the time to do so is running out.


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11 bit studios


11 BIT STUDIOS®, THE ALTERS® are registered trademarks of 11 BIT STUDIOS S.A. © 11 BIT STUDIOS S.A. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Entwickelt von

11 bit studios

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Ab 18 Jahren


Action & adventure

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English (United States)


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