Consumer Feedback Australia

Please note: this website is for use by Australian consumers only. For Commercial product support, click here or change region to find your local support options.

To file a request for a product or service purchased at eBay Marketplace , please file it from here.

We welcome feedback from our customers – it helps us to continually improve. Please select one of the options below.

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This complaint is about:

Do you have a Service Request Number?

Do you have a Service Request Number?

A Service Request (SR) Number is a unique 10-digit number provided by the Microsoft Customer Support team when creating a case. It may have been provided over the phone at the time of your call or provided in an email written in this format SRX1XXXXXXXXXID.

For us to be able to act on your complaint, we require some details. Details you provide will be used solely for the purpose of responding to and acting on your complaint.

Once you have submitted your complaint, we will ensure it reaches the right team. We will contact you within your desired hours. If this is not possible we will contact you within 3 business days.

File Support Complaint

If you don’t have a case number, please contact 13 20 58 for assistance. Alternatively, if you want us to call you back, please provide the contact details below and we recommend you review our Privacy Statement to understand how we handle customer data.


A Service Request (SR) Number is a unique 10-digit number provided by the Microsoft Customer Support team when creating a case. It may have been provided over the phone at the time of your call or provided in an email written in this format SRX1XXXXXXXXXID.


Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.

For us to be able to act on your complaint, we require some details. Details you provide will be used solely for the purpose of responding to and acting on your complaint.

Once you have submitted your complaint, we will ensure it reaches the right team.

File Complaint

If you want us to call you back please provide the contact details below and we recommend you review our Privacy Statement to understand how we handle customer data.


Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.

This compliment is about:

This compliment is about:

For us to be able to act on your compliment, we require some details. Details you provide will be used solely for the purpose of responding to and acting on your compliment.

Once you have submitted your compliment, we will ensure it reaches the right team.

Give a compliment


A Service Request (SR) Number is a unique 10-digit number provided by the Microsoft Customer Support team when creating a case. It may have been provided over the phone at the time of your call or provided in an email written in this format SRX1XXXXXXXXXID.

Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.