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FX’s Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that follows Sterling Archer as he navigates the changing landscape of the spy world. This season, Archer and The Agency have been acquired by Fabian Kingsworth and the spy conglomerate known as IIA (International Intelligence Agency). As the gang struggles to find their identity performing odd missions for Fabian, one question arises: will they be able to maintain independence, or will they succumb to their corporate overlords? The series features the voices of H. Jon Benjamin as the world’s greatest spy, “Sterling Archer;” Aisha Tyler as the spy with marital troubles, “Lana Kane;” Judy Greer as the crazy office assistant in search of a special skill, “Cheryl/Carol Tunt;” Chris Parnell as the reliable company-man, “Cyril Figgis;” Amber Nash as the enthusiastic offender, “Pam Poovey;” Adam Reed as the opportunist, “Ray Gillette” and Lucky Yates as the experimenter-in-chief, “Algernop Krieger.” Season 13 also features the voices of guest stars Kenan Thompson, Alison Pill, Christian Slater, Kayvan Novak and Stephen Tobolowsky, to name a few.
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English (CC)Released year