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Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Tips, Tricks & Prompts

Achieve more than ever before with Copilot for Microsoft 365, your new AI assistant.

Learn how to improve your prompt skills, see real Copilot use cases and delve into industry scenarios.

Prompt Like a Pro

Get the most out of Copilot for Microsoft 365 by learning how to write more effective prompts. In this five-part series, you can learn how to upgrade your prompt skills using an established prompt framework, discover advanced techniques and templates, and even find out how to leverage Copilot itself to enhance your prompting further.

1. Introduction to Effective Prompting

Stuart Ridout gives you an introduction to this video series, alongside an outline of what effective prompting entails.

Learn about the ideal length, view examples of great prompts and get some quick tips for elevating your prompts.

2. Components of a Great Prompt

Explore the building blocks for creating a great prompt, starting with defining what you want Copilot to do.

Discover some of the main tasks that Copilot could help you with and how the GCSE prompt framework ensures better results.

3. Chain of Thought Prompting

Learn how to break down your tasks into smaller subtasks, and ways to iterate and refine your prompts.

Get a deep-dive into how chain of thought prompting works and ways to adjust Copilot’s responses to suit your needs.

4. Advanced Prompt Techniques

Explore further ways to ensure Copilot’s responses meet your needs, such as asking for variations.

You’ll also learn how to tailor your prompts to different roles and personas and how to use Copilot to create templates.

5. Using Copilot for Help with Prompts

Learn how to enhance your prompting expertise further, including asking Copilot itself to tell you what it needs.

And discover the power of the Copilot community, which offers invaluable resources for the exchange and discovery of outstanding prompts.

Begin your AI journey

Discover a whole new way of working with Copilot for Microsoft 365.

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The art and science of working with AI

Explore science-backed insights and practical advice for getting the most out of Copilot.

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A whole new way to work

Copilot helps you achieve things like never before, using the power of AI.

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Preparing for AI: Are you ready for a new era of work?

The next phase of digital transformation is here. Evaluate your organization’s readiness for AI-powered tools like Copilot.

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Discover the latest insights, expert research, tips and tricks to help start your AI transformation journey.

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