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Mark Anderson articles

Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson
EdTech international speaker and blogger, best-selling author, teacher, and school leader.

Online Safety and Security in a post 

Never before have citizens in the UK had more rights. The introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May this year brought about a number of changes that have had significant impact in schools.

Ease of Deployment and set-up of classroom laptops 

Faith can be a really powerful thing. I have faith in lots of things such as the brakes in my car working. That faith doesn’t happen automatically though. Faith in these things is built up over time which leads to us having the confidence to use them without having to think too much about them.

Affordability of devices 

One of the most difficult things a school has to focus on is achieving value for money for its learners. In these times of shrinking budgets, the largest slice of your budget will always be the salaries of your staff.