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Nick Lines articles

Nick Lines
Nick Lines
Security Marketing Lead

How to increase productivity and security 

Cybersecurity and productivity aren’t often seen in the same sentence. It can sometimes seem that all your security and protection add-ons or tools each have multiple sign-ins and different processes to follow. All this complicates your day and make it harder to work.

How to have intelligent cybersecurity 

New threats and more sophisticated attacks are always on the horizon in the cybersecurity world. This means you must ensure your digital estate is just as secure against the newest attack as it is against old ones. The Intelligent Security Graph helps you benefit from advanced analytics collected from millions of threat indicators.

The 3 most important words in cybersecurity 

It’s no longer important just to build ‘stronger walls’. You don’t just need to protect; you need to detect and respond. Products and services that have built-in security tend to have better usability. Meaning not only is it secure, but it’s easy to adopt and be productive in the long-term.