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Sarah Tierney articles

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Sarah Tierney
Digital Storyteller, Microsoft UK

Three ways to take the stress out of business growth 

We’ve all had growing pains. It’s a fact of life. And just like humans, businesses experience these too. But unlike humans, business growth doesn’t need to be painful. We want to help you make growing your business easy and stress-free. After all – you started your business because you had a passion and drive.

How to improve workplace stress 

With stress, anxiety, and depression accounting for 15.4 million lost days of work, it’s never been more important for organisations to have an open and communicative culture, where employees are empowered to support each other, and speak out when they need help.

5 ways to use AI to power digital marketing 

Digital marketing and AI are a natural fit. Marketers are leveraging the technology to help steer business decisions, improve customer experiences, and understand their audience. Best of all, they’re saving money and time whilst they do it. What are the main opportunities for you?

Four skills you need to succeed in 2019 

How many skills are there in the professional world? About 50,000, according to LinkedIn.[1] And as technology grows, so will that number. Maintaining and developing skill sets are important for individuals and businesses alike. Skilled employees are 8.

4 collaboration tools to manage remote teams easily 

Over 4 million workers in the UK work remotely, according to TUC. This makes up almost 15 percent of the workforce, and this number is increasing year over year. If you aren’t part of a company where you all work remotely, chances are you occasionally work from home, or while you’re offsite with customers.

6 ways to keep your data secure whilst on the go 

With the number of smartphone users expected to reach over five billion by 2019, you can expect your employees will be connected to their work on either their personal or business devices. Here are six tips to ensure personal and organisational data stays secure on any device.