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Cyber defence in the age of AI 

Discover the power of Microsoft Security Copilot and how to prepare your organisation for the era of cognitive cyber defence.


The future of manufacturing is now: Four trends shaping the industry 

At its core, manufacturing is about innovation, as it builds economic capacity, bolsters workforces, and generates opportunity and growth. Today we’re seeing the industry undergo a once-in-a-century transformation driven by changing consumer demands, labor challenges, supply chain disruptions, technological advancements and sustainability demands.


Introducing critical new water data capabilities in Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability 

Increased demand and less reliable water supply have put the world at a critical turning point: Sustainable water management must be prioritized. Today we’re announcing powerful new water sustainability management features (in preview) in Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability and an extended collaboration with Ecolab to help organizations accelerate their progress on water sustainability.


The journey to water positive 

Water is a precious finite resource, essential for life. For Microsoft, water management is critical to operations such as those needed to cool our datacenters and operate our buildings globally. And that is why, in 2020, Microsoft announced its commitment to become water positive by 2030 and joined the Water Resilience Coalition.


Get ready for ESG reporting with increased data transparency 

As we examine how new rules impact the scope of our reporting, we’re helping our customers do the same, because our own experience has shown us that collecting and analyzing data at scale—that is, across entire operations and value chains—requires increasingly automated, data-driven digital technologies.


Putting sustainability into the heart of everyone’s job: 4 ways to take action 

This year’s theme for Earth Day is ‘Invest in Our Planet’ and focuses on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and citizens to do their part. With this in mind, sustainability in 2023 has become as much the responsibility of each employee as it is the wider organisation’s.    But how do you make sustainability everyone’s job?