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Introducing the PowerPoint Festive Quiz 2020! 

It’s holiday season 2020, and that can only mean one thing. Put down your phone. Turn off your fourth Christmas film of the day. Put on your paper hat and get out the nibbles. It’s quiz time! For the first time ever, we’ve created a ready-to-download, easy to use PowerPoint holiday quiz template. It’s a


Four quick wins to make your built environment firm smarter 

To rise to today’s challenges, successful businesses across architecture, engineering, construction, and facilities management are making changes at their own pace to build resilience and become future-proof. They are accelerating their digital investment plans through targeted data-driven modernisation.


5 benefits of cloud technology for media companies and how to migrate 

Despite cloud technology offering game-changing potential for media companies, the industry hasn’t yet adopted it in full. Many organisations retain their legacy on-premise infrastructure and business model. Yet those that have taken the transformation leap can now stand as exemplars to newcomers. Their innovation has prompted the creation of many media-specific tools and services in the cloud which are now tried, tested and good to go. In