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Enhancing citizen-centric public services in the digital age

Our recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Sunderland City Council marks the beginning of a relationship that will bring about transformative change to Sunderland.

More than a business agreement, the partnership between Microsoft and Sunderland is based on shared values and aspirations. We’re joining forces to positively impact the lives of local people and businesses in this vibrant city.

Microsoft’s focus on public-sector transformation has been a driving force throughout our collaboration. We know from experience that technology and digital solutions can help revolutionise public services, making them more efficient, effective, and citizen-centric.

Working hand in hand with the council, we’re leveraging Microsoft’s cutting-edge technologies and expertise to streamline administrative processes, enhance citizen engagement, and optimise resource allocation. We want to redefine what it means to deliver public services in the digital age. 

“Smart cities” collaboration: creating a connected, sustainable future 

Our mutual commitment to smart cities collaboration also sets this partnership apart. Sunderland City Council’s vision for a new kind of urban development aligns perfectly with our expertise in creating smart city solutions. We’re on a joint mission to transform Sunderland into a connected environment that offers enhanced liveability, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

By integrating advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and data analytics, we’re shaping an urban ecosystem that will optimise resource management, create intelligent infrastructure, and foster innovation. Together, we’re laying the foundation for a future that embraces digital transformation, innovation, and inclusion.

Empowering citizens with new skills

It’s important to note that our partnership goes beyond technology and infrastructure. At its core, this initiative is about empowering the people of Sunderland.

We understand the importance of digital skills in today’s world. They can provide a significant boost to personal growth, employability, social mobility, and community development. That’s why Microsoft has long supported UK digital talent with events and training opportunities, as well as initiatives such as the Microsoft Connector Community.

In Sunderland, we’re equally committed to bridging the digital divide for residents by providing technology skills training, resources, and support. Through our collaboration we’ll equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital economy. By empowering local people, we’re not only transforming lives but also fuelling innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic resilience within the community. 

“Together, we will minimise disconnects between people, technology and place.”

Liz St Louis
Director of Smart Cities, Sunderland City Council

The journey begins

Our Memorandum of Understanding with Sunderland has set the stage for an exciting journey of collaboration and positive change.

Liz St Louis, Director of Smart Cities at Sunderland City Council, said: “Catalysed by our leading smart city achievements, I am extremely proud to be harnessing this new relationship with esteemed partners, Microsoft. 

“Together, we will minimise disconnects between people, technology and place – leaving no-one and nowhere behind.  

“Microsoft’s thought leadership, technology and digital solutions will help to revolutionise our public services, whilst empowering our people, as we continue to digitally transform our smart city.” 

Watch this space to see how technology innovation and a vision help Sunderland reimagine itself as a thriving digital hub. 

Find out more

About the author

Alexandra Wilkinson, Head of Local Government (North), Microsoft UKI lead the Northern Sales Team at Microsoft, working with regional government on digital transformation and using technology and digital skills to drive economic growth and citizens’ lives.