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How technology is modernising health and social care 

Amid ongoing concerns about the impact of austerity on critical services like adults’ and children’s social care and in the face of demographic pressures relating to an ageing population, optimism does not always abound in discussions about these services. However, despite, and often in direct response to some of these issues, an increasing number of


Providing a better citizen experience with AI 

Advances in technology such as AI and automation are opening up new possibilities in government services - by looking beyond the management of simple administrative tasks to more complex processes in order to provide a better citizen experience.


AI is ready to transform businesses. But are business leaders ready for AI? 

Many organisations are excited about the potential of AI, but still treat it as part of their technology strategy. To succeed in the digital transformation race, leaders need to see AI as an integral part of their business. So we developed an AI Business School to help train this next generation of digital CEOs.


A fresh approach to smart cities 

See how Kainos, our 2018 Partner of the Year, have taken a fresh approach to smart cities by leveraging the power of data and analytics, enabling us to make better use of existing city space.


The 3 most important words in cybersecurity 

It’s no longer important just to build ‘stronger walls’. You don’t just need to protect; you need to detect and respond. Products and services that have built-in security tend to have better usability. Meaning not only is it secure, but it’s easy to adopt and be productive in the long-term.


Understanding AI: From intelligent bots to machine learning 

I'm not ashamed to admit that it's taken me a little while to get my head around the two letters we're seeing more and more: AI. Speaking with customers and partners has made me realise that I'm not the only one who needed a 'dummies guide' for this rapidly emerging technology. Part of my problem was that I couldn't see AI. It wasn't a specific application or software; it was 'under the hood' and intangible. What I've come to realise is that AI is a set of technology and tools that's increasingly becoming woven into everything we do. Whether we realise it or not, we're already using it in our everyday lives.


Microsoft security and the minimum cyber security standards 

The Government, in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has released guidance on the minimum cyber security standards that all government departments, agencies and contractors must comply with to protect their information, technology and digital services. It covers five categories: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. The measures covered in the document will