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Contribute to TechNet UK!

A photograph depicting pencils of various colours.

Why should I get involved?

Writing a blog for TechNet UK is a great way to put your name, advice and projects in front of our developer and IT pro audience. In fact, we encourage you to do so, but we also want to make sure that all of our articles exist to benefit others. If there’s something you want to write about that will be useful to like-minded techies, we want to hear from you.

What can I write about?

Anything! Actually, that’s not quite true, but so long as you think it’ll be interesting to our large community of developers and IT pros it’ll probably be fine! Here are some ideas about what kind of content you could produce:

  • A ‘how-to’ guide for on a subject you feel comfortable talking about.
  • A development breakdown of a project you worked on, including what went wrong, what other people should keep in mind, and any useful code you can share.
  • Breakdowns on current trends in the developer and IT pro spaces
  • Event recaps that will be useful to people who were unable to attend. Rather than a synopsis of the event in general, we encourage deep dives on the content from a session or two, as well as your opinions on what was talked about.

While we don’t require you to talk about Microsoft, it will certainly be a lot easier for us to share through emails and social channels once your article is complete. If you’re unsure, please ask us! We also don’t expect you to sing praises of every piece of tech you use, and we value you speaking your honest opinion. Similarly, please don’t be offended if we turn down an article idea if we don’t think it will be beneficial to our audience!

How do I get involved?

Please let us know what content you wish to provide by emailing us at We’ll then be able to chat about your idea and read any drafts that you might be willing to share. Once you’ve created a draft and we’ve edited it, we’ll be able to help get more eyes on your work. This could involve tweeting about it on the @MSDevUK and/or @TechNetUK Twitter accounts, or including it in our monthly newsletters. It’s a great way to expand your reach while talking about a topic you love!

I’d really like to see content on a particular topic

We’re listening! We want to know if there are topics that you would like us to cover, so please send us an email to and we’ll try our best to make it happen. We’ll let you know if we produce some content as a result of your email, and if you’d like, we’ll include your name in the introduction as a thank you. We want to make TechNet UK the best resource it can be, and we can only do that with your help!