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Microsoft 365

Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365 Posts

Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365
Microsoft employees working remotely.

Working remotely during challenging times 

COVID-19 has impacted the lives of people around the world. Travel restrictions and new rules on large public gatherings have changed the daily routines of millions. Over the past few weeks, many of my colleagues and customers have approached me to ask: What can we do to help? Lily Zheng is a good friend and
Image of three coworkers looking at computer monitors.

Improve collaboration across apps and customize experiences—here’s what’s new to Microsoft 365 in February 

We live in exciting, but busy, times. As we try to navigate a rapidly changing and complex workplace, little things can make or break our experience—including the tools we rely on. At Microsoft, we get it, and we’re listening. We’re working hard to incorporate your feedback and requests—from simple tweaks to new tools—into the Microsoft