Free Chat people around you without email/phone and personal information.
We believe in a simple idea
Communication belongs to everyone.
We are on a mission to help people connect with technology for free or as close to free as possible.
We want you to build genuine relationships with your friends and communities close to home or around the world. Original, reliable, playful, and relatable. These are the values that connect our users and our employees at FishingCab.
Security and privacy are deeply ingrained in FishingCab’s DNA. Since 2023, we have been vigorously committed to ensure that our users can communicate without having to worry about privacy and security. We will continue to base both the software development and our business decisions on our users’ security and data protection.
From software development to customer support, everything is taken care of in-house. The direct dialogue with our users is just as important to us as a pleasant working atmosphere.