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New to Microsoft 365 in April—new tools to streamline compliance and make collaboration inclusive and engaging 

This month, we released new features and services in Microsoft 365 to help you meet your compliance requirements, manage security policies, and reach more audiences with your content. Here’s a look at what’s new in April. Assess and reduce risk and protect sensitive data We’re releasing new solutions designed to help you assess your compliance

New to Microsoft 365 in March—tools to enable teamwork and enhance security in the workplace 

This month, we released new features in Microsoft 365 to help you boost teamwork, save time, and streamline your IT management. Here’s a look at what’s new in March. Collaborate more easily New features and services give you more ways to collaborate with colleagues and LinkedIn connections across platforms. Boost meeting productivity and meet compliance

Closing the skills gap in manufacturing with Microsoft 365 

The manufacturing industry is being transformed by the rise in new digital industrial technology, known as Industry 4.0. New technologies are changing every stage of production, increasing productivity, optimizing operations, and unlocking new areas of growth. In order for manufacturers to capture the value this technology unlocks, they’ll need to ensure their workforce has the

Announcing new integrations with Autodesk AutoCAD for Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint 

Across OneDrive and SharePoint, our vision is to provide simple and secure access to files wherever—and however—your team works. No matter your role, specialization, or industry, we’re always working to expand and connect with the content you find critical. Today, we’re announcing new integrations with Autodesk that allow you to connect AutoCAD and its drafting tools

Helping IT reduce costs, increase security, and boost employee productivity 

Todaen-y, we’re announcing several new Microsoft 365 enhancements to help IT reduce costs, increase security, and boost employee productivity. Here’s a quick summary: Windows Virtual Desktop is now in public preview, providing the best virtualized Microsoft 365 experience across devices. Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) now supports Mac, extending Microsoft 365 advanced endpoint security

Microsoft Teams wins Enterprise Connect Best in Show award and delivers new experiences for the intelligent workplace 

Today, at the Enterprise Connect event in Orlando, Florida, Microsoft Teams won the Best in Show award for the second year in a row in recognition for its vision for making communication and collaboration easier for the entire workforce, including those on the frontline. This week marks the second anniversary of the worldwide launch of

New capabilities in Microsoft 365 empower healthcare professionals 

Medical care has shifted to team-based care, increased medical specialization, a growing volume of digital patient data, and stringent regulations for patient privacy. Healthcare providers strive to deliver the best possible care to patients, but the tools they use for coordinating patient care are often fragmented and impede the collaborative workflows required in a complex

Excel with Microsoft Excel in Office 365 

Today’s post was written by Jeremy, one of the twins who took part in The Twins Challenge: Office 365 versus Office 2019. When Microsoft invited me and my twin brother Nathan to come to Redmond to its film studios to participate in a “challenge,” we had no idea what we were getting into. They told

The Twins Challenge: Office 365 crushes Office 2019 

Here’s a question I get a lot: What’s the difference between Office 2019 and Office 365? Aren’t they the same? Well—actually, no. In fact, while they have similar names, there’s a world of difference between the two. Office 365 includes fully installed Office applications—including the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. And these