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Boost your IT efficiency

Organisations that choose Surface with Microsoft 365 reported a 40% reduction of IT staff time spent on maintenance.1

Simplify deployment with Microsoft Intune

Organisations take advantage of automated patching and other updates through Intune Management to reduce the amount of staff time required to manage and administer employee devices on a day-to-day basis.1
Man sitting at desk using a Surface device connected to a separate monitor

Explore the Surface Management Portal

A centralised solution for IT to self-serve, manage and monitor Surface devices at scale in Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
A desk with a Surface device and monitor displaying a management interface on-screen
  • View the status of your Surface devices

    Check up on the health of each Surface machine by monitoring compliance issues, available storage, inactivity, encryption needs, and any immediate actions required.

  • Manage warranty data

    Proactively plan for device refreshes and support by managing warranty data through the Surface Management Portal.

  • Streamline support requests

    Seamlessly track all device updates by viewing your support tickets in one centralised location.

Save time with Surface Support Portal

Get time-saving, modernised support across all of your organisation’s Surface devices. Easily access AI-enabled self-help for troubleshooting, submit support and service requests, track device history, monitor warranty coverage, and much more.
A desk with a Surface device and monitor displaying a management interface on-screen
  • Simplified support

    AI-enabled, personalised self-help.

  • Comprehensive support view

    Track device history of repairs, technical support and exchanges.

  • Centralised management

    Manage warranty and Protection Plan status of your Surface devices in a consolidated view.

Support beyond deployment

Man sitting at table using a Surface pen on his Surface device
  • Trusted experts

    Our growing network of trusted Authorised Service Providers is filled with experts who repair devices using reliable Microsoft parts.

  • Device serviceability

    Skilled technicians can easily service devices by replacing components like SSDs, display assembly, keyset and trackpad.

  • Move confidently to the cloud with FastTrack

    FastTrack helps customers deploy Microsoft cloud solutions. Customers with eligible subscriptions to Microsoft 365, Azure or Dynamics 365 can use FastTrack at no additional cost for the life of their subscription.

Three ways to modernise device IT

Take the hard work out of hardware management with Surface and these resources.
  • Set up in minutes

    IT staff using Microsoft 365 say that Surface devices can save configuration and deployment time, giving them time to focus on other projects.1

  • Save hours of valuable IT time

    IT staff saw a 40% reduction on time spent on maintenance and there were 49% fewer helpdesk incidents.1

  • Lower security costs

    Organisations reported a 34% reduction in security incidents with Surface devices and the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.1

Woman using a Surface device and two monitors while in a virtual meeting

More solutions for your business

Elevate your organisation with more security and remote management solutions from Surface.
Woman wearing headphones, holding a Surface device while on a video call


Get more secure and maintain control, from chip to cloud, with protection from Microsoft. Surface helps you mount proactive defences with security built in.

  • [1] Business Value White Paper, commissioned by Microsoft September 2022 | Doc. #US49453722 IDC Research Study conducted from surveys and interviews between December 2021 – February 2022. All respondents were IT decision-makers at large organisations (250-5000+ employees) representing organisations from the United States, Australia, India, Spain, France, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Germany. Cost & Savings findings based on average cost and time estimates provided directly by respondents; actual costs and savings may vary based on your specific Device Mix and deployment. For the detailed study, click here.
  • [2] Create new value with laptops designed by Microsoft​. For the study, click here.

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