Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/product/dynamics-365-intelligent-order-management/ Modernizing Business Process with Cloud and AI Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:42:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-cropped-microsoft_logo_element.png Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/product/dynamics-365-intelligent-order-management/ 32 32 .cloudblogs .cta-box>.link { font-size: 15px; font-weight: 600; display: inline-block; background: #008272; line-height: 1; text-transform: none; padding: 15px 20px; text-decoration: none; color: white; } .cloudblogs img { height: auto; } .cloudblogs img.alignright { float:right; } .cloudblogs img.alignleft { float:right; } .cloudblogs figcaption { padding: 9px; color: #737373; text-align: left; font-size: 13px; font-size: 1.3rem; } .cloudblogs .cta-box.-center { text-align: center; } .cloudblogs .cta-box.-left { padding: 20px 0; } .cloudblogs .cta-box.-right { padding: 20px 0; text-align:right; } .cloudblogs .cta-box { margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 20px; } .cloudblogs .cta-box.-image { position:relative; } .cloudblogs .cta-box.-image>.link { position: absolute; top: auto; left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,0); transform: translate(-50%,0); bottom: 0; } .cloudblogs table { width: 100%; } .cloudblogs table tr { border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; padding: 8px 0; } ]]> Create Dynamics 365 implementation projects easily with the new onboarding wizard http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/it-professional/2024/04/17/dynamics-365-implementation-project-onboarding-wizard/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:55:32 +0000 A new onboarding wizard in the Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal makes it easy to create implementation projects and access guidance, insights, and recommendations all along the way to deployment.

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We’re excited to announce a new project onboarding feature is now available in the Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal. The portal makes it easier to deploy Dynamics 365 projects successfully by guiding you from the start of your project to the end, giving you valuable insights and recommendations along the way. All you need to do to get started is create your implementation project in the portal, and the new onboarding wizard makes it easy. Here’s how:

User-friendly interface removes technical barriers. The onboarding wizard’s intuitive and user-friendly interface is designed to make the onboarding process accessible whatever your technical background. It acts as a virtual assistant, walking you through each step of project creation with clear instructions and prompts.

Projects are ready to use immediately. On completion of the onboarding process, your Dynamics 365 implementation project is instantly available, streamlining collaboration and ensuring that stakeholders have swift access to project resources.

Data is protected automatically. If the implementation project targets a tenant other than the one you’re signed in to, the onboarding wizard starts an approval flow. Two reviewers for the targeted tenant must both approve the request before information such as the customer name and telemetry insights are made available. This automatic review process ensures compliance with data protection regulations and builds trust with customers.

Successful Dynamics 365 implementations by design

The Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal is based on Success by Design, a systematic approach for successful cloud deployment that was developed by Microsoft. Success by Design provides prescriptive guidance for designing, building, and deploying your new Dynamics 365 solution. The onboarding wizard represents a pivotal advancement in the journey towards a successful Dynamics 365 implementation. By guiding you through the creation of your implementation projects, facilitating reviews, and offering relevant insights, the Implementation Portal and the onboarding wizard help your business harness the full potential of Dynamics 365 with confidence and efficiency.

Introducing the Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal project onboarding wizard

Next steps

Sign up for the Dynamics 365 Implementation Portal and read the documentation.

Learn more about the onboarding wizard.

Have feedback or questions about the onboarding wizard or the Implementation Portal? Let us know! Email us at ftd365ip-support@microsoft.com.

Not yet a Dynamics 365 customer? Take a tour and get a free trial.

The post Create Dynamics 365 implementation projects easily with the new onboarding wizard appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Leverage the latest Intelligent Order Management features to accelerate your e-commerce business http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/it-professional/2023/02/22/leverage-the-latest-intelligent-order-management-features-to-accelerate-your-e-commerce-channel/ Wed, 22 Feb 2023 17:32:20 +0000 Intelligent Order Management announced a truck load of new features in November 2022.   This article explores the core investment themes for the November Release enabling our customers and partners to explore and implement the relevant features for their business.  

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Intelligent Order Management announced a truck load of new features in November 2022.  This article explores the core investment themes for the November Release enabling our customers and partners to explore and implement the relevant features for their business.  

Prior to this release, IOM only contained broad functionality in certain key Order Management functions that span across the Supply Chain. This release focused on closing the gaps for these critical functionalities, while continuing to expand on IOM’s core strengths which include the Provider Ecosystem, Fulfillment & Returns optimization, and the continued embrace of the low code-no code Power Platform. 

Investments made to IOM focusing on improving 3 core tenets. These are: 

  • Resiliency:  Will this investment reduce the time taken to orchestrate and adapt to dynamic events  
  • Visibility: Will this investment improve the end-to-end view of an order and inventory across heterogenous systems and locations 
  • Extensibility: Will this investment help customers extend features and fine tune for their own business needs 

With the November 2022 release complete, we fulfill multiple order scenarios in a way that customers can leverage the power of the low code platform. The pre-built providers also now span the order to cash (and returns) lifecycle. 

Some of the new feature set capabilities for the Nov ’22 release are below. 

Additional Order Capabilities

We have introduced comprehensive application support for various order scenarios. These include:

–             Back Orders

–             Pre- Order Management

–             Returns integrated with F&O

–             Purchase Order support

–             Enable Manual Orders

–             Transfer Orders

–             Subscription Orders

Customers can leverage the orchestration platform to consume and orchestrate business processes based on these order scenarios. Order preferences can be configured, and workflows can then be orchestrated to adapt to these configurations.

Additionally, these order attributes (where applicable) will seamlessly work with the built-in integration of Inventory Visibility.  This puts the focus on allowing users to define their specific business rule while IOM takes care of the inventory integration.

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Real Time Inventory Visibility

Intelligent Order Management is one of the few Order Management systems that does not rely on a pub-sub architecture (where the source of inventory is Dynamics 365) to report Inventory levels. We provide an out-of-the-box integration via the Inventory Visibility provider. 

We h made it easier and more accessible for various IOM personas like a CSR worker to query and get real-time inventory information within the IOM application.

Through improvements made with how we categorize warehouse through D365, customers can look up store inventory and further orchestrate BOPIS or Ship from Store scenarios. This information can now also be used in e-com shopping carts to provide shipping options to customers.

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Here is an example of how we are leveraging this feature to build out carting functionality.

Error Handling

For an orchestration-based system like Intelligent Order Management which interacts with other heterogenous systems, timely and intuitive error handling is imperative.

One of the key feedbacks we had received was to make Error Handling more concise, arranged logically to reflect the key flows in IOM and to make them more intuitive. The latest release now simplifies and streamlines the Error Handling experience and provides:

  • Improved error visibility across the system – giving you a single source of truth for all errors across all entities.
  • Ability to navigate directly to the power automate flow that failed from the orchestration step.
  • Improved surfacing of error messages that allow for quicker debugging.


Providers remain a core component of how IOM connects to other systems and ecommerce engines. Our viewpoint is biased to extensibility, and we have extended the provider ecosystem to ensure increasing coverage across the order lifecycle.

Intelligent Order Management Diagram

We will continue to build key providers (based on mutual agreement) on both the left and right side of IOM.

As of November, ’22 we added Amazon and Adobe Magento to the Order Channels (left side of image).  We are pleased to add UPS as a Delivery Provider (right side of image). These providers now allow customers to ingest Sales Orders into IOM seamlessly. Moving forward we will extend this support via APIs for customers to avail carting features – this will be e-com platform agnostic.

The goal is to optimize time to value for our customers who don’t need to build, maintain, extend, support, and scale these integrations.

Learn more

Read the product documentation:

Not yet a Supply Chain Management customer? Take a guided tour.

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Delivering a seamless commerce experience: Unlocking omnichannel retailing with intelligent order management http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/06/27/delivering-a-seamless-commerce-experience-unlocking-omnichannel-retailing-with-intelligent-order-management/ http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/06/27/delivering-a-seamless-commerce-experience-unlocking-omnichannel-retailing-with-intelligent-order-management/#comments Mon, 27 Jun 2022 15:00:00 +0000 The momentum of e-commerce continues. In fact, McKinsey & Company has stated that e-commerce shopping has 30 percent higher penetration than pre-COVID-19 pandemic, and that this pandemic has also accelerated e-commerce growth by five years.1 The COVID-19 pandemic certainly explains part of the growth in the demand, but it is not the whole story. Other

The post Delivering a seamless commerce experience: Unlocking omnichannel retailing with intelligent order management appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


The momentum of e-commerce continues. In fact, McKinsey & Company has stated that e-commerce shopping has 30 percent higher penetration than pre-COVID-19 pandemic, and that this pandemic has also accelerated e-commerce growth by five years.1 The COVID-19 pandemic certainly explains part of the growth in the demand, but it is not the whole story. Other factors such as increased mobile commerce, accelerated business-to-business (B2B) and direct-to-consumer (DTC) e-commerce adoption, and new technological advances have created both opportunities and challenges for companies that embrace omnichannel retailing.

Retailers must either build new or infuse present strategies, systems, and processes with a composable approach to obtain omnichannel commerce experience. Let’s look at how Microsoft Dynamics 365 modular and composable cloud-based solutions help organizations provide their customers with unified commerce experiences.

Agility improves operational execution

Retailers are investing in integrating experiences and agile solutions for a good reason. McKinsey & Company states that the new bar for omnichannel excellence is 10 or more channels over three engagement modes (in-person, remote, and self-service), delivered 24/7.2 Omnichannel fulfillment retail tactics, such as buy online pickup in store (BOPIS), buy online pickup at curbside (BOPAC), reserve online pickup in store (ROPIS), buy online return in store (BORIS), or locker, ship from store, ship to store, endless aisle, two-day delivery, and more, are adding more complexity and challenges for retailers to deliver on their order promise.

Hence, in these environments, unifying data across internal and external networks to include physical and digital touchpoints requires agile and resilient solutions for faster responses to market changes and disruptions. At the pandemic’s beginning, many retailers, manufacturers, distributors, and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies accelerated their digital transformation journey to adapt to changing customers’ needs quickly.

“With Dynamics 365, we can make decisions much more quickly and respond in near real-time to consumer demand. What used to take two days now happens almost immediately.”

—Russell Anderson, Senior Director, Retail Operations
Columbia Sportswear

Watch the video in our customer story: “Columbia Sportwear gains business flexibility and a sales boost with Microsoft Azure and Dynamics 365.”

A modern microservices-based order management system (OMS) helps organizations incrementally replace modular components of their existing infrastructure to gradually advance wherever they are in their supply chain and commerce digital transformation journey. It also allows organizations to avoid costly and time-consuming rip-and-replace projects by seamlessly integrating with existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) investments, unifying data across disparate systems, and unlocking siloed inventory and operational data.

Extensibility scales end-to-end visibility and fulfillment

As order intake, cross-channel inventories, and third-party logistics providers (3PLs) intersect at order management, end-to-end visibility becomes an imperative. More than 80 percent of shoppers said it is important for retailers to provide the estimated date/time of arrival for products on their website, and 78 percent said providing in-store availability was important to them.3

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Figure 1: Inventory visibility dashboard in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. Learn how to set up the inventory visibility connector in the product documentation page.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management helps organizations achieve end-to-end order visibility through its fulfillment optimization engine that uses real-time inventory visibility and AI. More than half, 66 percent, of retailers surveyed said inventory accuracy—a core capability for omnichannel fulfillment—was very or somewhat challenging when setting up their omnichannel program.4

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management also extends its intelligent fulfillment optimization capabilities with out-of-the-box, pre-built connectors to an ecosystem of specialized partners for e-commerce, delivery, transportation, warehouse management, tax compliance, price calculation, and other logistics services.

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Figure 2: Partial view of the pre-built connectors catalog in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management.

For example, consider our pre-built connector to our partner Flexe, the programmatic logistics leader. The Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management Flexe connector expands the fulfillment capabilities, processes purchase orders from Flexe, and adds flexible warehouse management service. It also provides Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management users the option to rapidly expand network capacity, or allocate inventory closer to the customers and avoid the long-term contracts or fixed costs of traditional warehouse solutions.

With the ability to extend business capabilities through pre-built partner connectors, organizations can improve omnichannel strategies in step with their retail supply chain digital transformation processes. This allows organizations to incrementally scale their offering with modular, composable, and cloud-based business applications, bringing more agility and resilience into their omnichannel distribution network.

Composability enables omnichannel success

According to Gartner®, by 2024, 60 percent of intelligent software as a service (SaaS) will be composed from packaged business capabilities providing data, analytical insight, and operational application services.5 And by 2024, the design mantra for new SaaS and custom applications will be “composable API-first or API-only,” rendering traditional SaaS and custom applications “legacy.”6

Dynamics 365 unlocks composability and helps organizations achieve a unified commerce experience. It seamlessly integrates with existing ERP and customer relationship management (CRM) systems so that retailers can respond faster to customers’ needs by extending their business capabilities through out-of-the-box connectors to an ecosystem of specialized logistics services. This intelligent and modern platform provides a single view of orders across channels. Our fulfillment optimization engine uses a rules-based system, real-time inventory visibility, and AI to determine the most cost-efficient order fulfillment.

Figure 3: Embedded orchestration policy designer to configure order flows in Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management.

According to Forrester, 68 percent of global retail and wholesale purchase influencers plan to invest in AI solutions.7 Retail supply chain and commerce professionals can take advantage of the machine learning, AI, and low-code/no code features of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. They can easily reconfigure order flows and proactively overcome bottlenecks by modeling the order journey through an easy-to-use orchestration designer built in the fulfillment optimization engine.

Watch the video above to learn how to automate and optimize fulfillment with Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. Experience a free trial or take a guided tour to learn more.

Create more agile and resilient supply chains

Dynamics 365 supply chain solutions helps build agile and resilient supply chains through easy-to-use, modular, and composable cloud-based business applications. Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management works seamlessly with existing ERP and CRM systems so that retailers can get to market faster, even when dealing with the complexities and challenges of omnichannel retail and fulfillment. They can also respond faster to customer needs by extending their fulfillment services through a composable and API-first connectivity architecture with out-of-the-box connectors to market-leading 3PL software solutions. With easy-to-deploy omnichannel fulfillment solution, retailers, manufacturers, distributors, and CPG companies can accelerate their supply chain digital transformation and turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage.


1. McKinsey & Company. Beyond the distribution center. June 2022.

2. McKinsey & Company, 2022. The new B2B growth equation.

3. Forrester, US Online Shoppers Expect Retailers To Provide Real-Time Information On Their Websites, August 2021.

4. Forrester. Building The Business Case For Omnichannel Commerce, August 2021.

5. Gartner. Use Gartner’s Reference Model to Deliver Intelligent Composable Business Applications. February 2022.*

6. Gartner. Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022: Composable Applications. October 2021.*

7. Forrester. The Top Retail Tech Initiatives For 2021 – Retail And Brand Professionals Reveal Their Priorities For Tech-Driven Commerce Initiatives In The Coming Year. August 2021.

(*) GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of the Gartner Inc., in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission.

The post Delivering a seamless commerce experience: Unlocking omnichannel retailing with intelligent order management appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/06/27/delivering-a-seamless-commerce-experience-unlocking-omnichannel-retailing-with-intelligent-order-management/feed/ 1
Microsoft fuels digital transformation of supply chains for a resilient and sustainable future http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/04/28/microsoft-fuels-digital-transformation-of-supply-chains-for-a-resilient-and-sustainable-future/ http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/04/28/microsoft-fuels-digital-transformation-of-supply-chains-for-a-resilient-and-sustainable-future/#comments Thu, 28 Apr 2022 16:30:00 +0000 We are excited to share two new investments in Microsoft Dynamics 365 supply chain portfolio that we are launching in preview. We had announced a partnership between FedEx and Microsoft, in January of 2022, to launch a cross-platform, logistics-as-a-service solution for brands. This partnership is now in preview. As e-commerce is exploding, businesses are challenged

The post Microsoft fuels digital transformation of supply chains for a resilient and sustainable future appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


We are excited to share two new investments in Microsoft Dynamics 365 supply chain portfolio that we are launching in preview. We had announced a partnership between FedEx and Microsoft, in January of 2022, to launch a cross-platform, logistics-as-a-service solution for brands. This partnership is now in preview. As e-commerce is exploding, businesses are challenged with growing their brand affinity while operating profitably to meet their consumer expectation like delivering orders in two days and offering a seamless returns experience. To achieve this, we are combining data insights from FedEx with order insights from Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management so that brands can optimize their transportation, and proactively overcome delays and disruptions enroute to deliver customer orders on time, in a cost-effective manner.

This partnership will also bring a powerful returns management experience to Dynamics 365, including hassle-free returns options at over 60,000 FedEx drop-off locations, convenient at-home pickups, printer-less QR return labels, and no-box returns. Ultimately, Microsoft and FedEx’s intelligence-driven logistics return services will empower brands with end-to-end visibility of customer returns while also allowing them to update consumers in real-time on the status of their return and refund generation.

Next, we are also excited to announce that we will launch embedded Microsoft Teams collaboration within Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management in preview on May 15, 2022. 

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This enables hybrid supply chain teams to seamlessly connect over chat, share screens for discussion, post updates on issues in Teams. On top of improving communications, users will also be able to collaborate by sharing sales orders, return orders, and fulfillment order tracking data more effectively, all without exiting their flow of work within Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. These capabilities help build a hyperconnected business that empowers people to collaborate as one business, everywhere—so people can thrive wherever, and however, they work.

Digital transformation of supply chains

We recommend three initiatives to kick start the digital transformation of your supply chains for a resilient and sustainable future—enhancing supply chain visibility, improving collaborative capabilities for better decision making, and designing sustainable operations with a circular economy in mind. You can achieve this by surrounding your existing supply chain and ERP systems without replacing them. Let us dive deeper into these areas and get a sneak peek into how some of our customers are transforming their supply chains.

Enhancing supply chain visibility

It is easier said than done to get real-time supply chain data across the value chain. At Microsoft, we have been investing in bringing new capabilities within our Dynamics 365 Supply Chain portfolio to market over the last year to really help organizations enhance visibility into every aspect of their value chain.

With the latest enhancements to Inventory Visibility Add-in, a highly scalable microservice for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, companies can pull inventory from multiple third-party systems, allowing them to create a single, global view of all inventories. By creating one pool of global inventory from which all orders can pull, companies can often increase inventory accuracy and thereby maximize sales opportunities. Plus, when coupled with the soft reservation capability, sales order fulfillment can avoid over-selling, effectively mitigating the risk of missed sales opportunities that may challenge some organizations.

Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) is the number one Coca-Cola bottler in Africa and the eighth largest globally by revenue.

“CCBA is currently implementing a set of Dynamics products including Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management with Inventory Visibility, Field Service, and Customer Engagement products. CCBA envisage using Inventory Visibility to provide critical parts availability to field service technicians and to validate in near real-time the sales demands generated from Dynamics Customer Engagement. It will also be a key component of CCBA’s integrated Advance Warehouse Management solution. Eventually, all the orders and inventory journals will be synced or directly created in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management for financial and logistics processing.”—Elmar Els, Enterprise and Integration Architect, Coca-Cola Beverage Africa (CCBA).

Improve decision making with enhanced collaboration and a data-first approach

From a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft in March 2022, we learned that over one-third of supply chain and operations leaders surveyed are taking steps to improve productivity through system and process improvements to mitigate future challenges.1 While it is imperative to generate insights from real-time supply chain data, the ability to act quickly on these insights is a whole different ball game. Organizations need to collaborate effectively across the different functions globally and with external suppliers and logistics partners to proactively overcome disruptions so that the orders can be delivered on time.

From the Forrester study, it’s clear that transformation is taking place across the entire customer journey, with nearly a third of businesses wanting to improve their operating model by making processes more streamlined across the board. To achieve their goals, companies require a tactical focus on being data-driven, improving the customer journey, and driving operational efficiency at scale.1

Peet’s Coffee is a California-based brand that delivers craft coffee and tea. They offer a variety of products—from a single cup to k-cups, capsules to whole beans—for sale in its stores, online, and in the supermarket.

Pre-2020, Peet’s Coffee ran the business on a dated and highly customized, on-premises system and Excel spreadsheets. The company had reached the point where the legacy system was near the end of its life and, after a rigorous software selection process, found Dynamics 365 to be the most comprehensive solution for a multi-channel organization with the best flexibility to adapt to the unique needs of coffee production.

“…Dynamics 365 gives us the cloud-based architecture we require to support the growth requirements of the business. The combination of Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and Azure cloud services provides Peet’s with a scalable and supportable technology foundation for the future.”—Allan Smith, Chief Information Officer, Peet’s Coffee.

By the early days of 2020, Peet’s Coffee had begun a digital transformation process by implementing Dynamics 365 Finance and Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. But what Peet’s Coffee couldn’t have planned for was the dramatic shift in demand that stay-at-home orders would create with the onset of the pandemic. Suddenly, Peet’s Coffee saw sales volume from its traditional channels, wholesale and coffee shops, plummet, while direct-to-consumer (DTC) and grocery channel sales surged 2x. Peet’s Coffee radically modified its implementation plan for Dynamics 365 to support immediate business needs. Ultimately, Peet’s Coffee adopted a new business model (DTC) and pivoted to supply grocery demand while successfully completing the implementation.

“…with the pandemic…it has been a heck of a year. I’m pleased with the investments we made. I’m pleased with the Blue Horseshoe relationship. I’m glad Dynamics 365 is live at Peet’s. But I wish we had done it earlier.”—Eric Lauterbach, President, Peet’s Coffee.

Reverse supply chains and circular economies

One way that manufacturing organizations are improving sustainability is by standing up circular economies. Circular economy, or circularity, is rooted in reverse supply chain management, which deals with what happens after a product’s useful life.

Setting up these circular economy flows can be challenging without an agile and composable supply chain management application. The Microsoft Circular Center program uses Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Microsoft Power Platform to facilitate the reuse and recycling of servers and hardware within our datacenters, which is part of our commitment to achieving zero-waste and carbon-negative operations by 2030. To date, the Circular Centers model has achieved 83 percent reuse and 17 percent recycling of critical parts while contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions by 145,000 metric tons CO2 equivalent.

“We were looking for a warehouse management system that would allow us to model all the product flows that we needed while also connecting to datacenters and other systems used to manage our cloud assets. Dynamics 365 had all these functionalities to build exactly what we needed.”—Anand Narasimhan, General Manager of Cloud Supply Chain Sustainability, Microsoft.

Stay agile and resilient

In addition to the new integrations for Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management and the customer stories and new features covered here, we are also honored that Gartner® has recognized Microsoft as a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Enterprises for Microsoft Dynamics 365. To learn more, please check out the Gartner Magic Quadrant and visit our Build a Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chain webinar.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain solutions enable organizations to create a digital supply chain that connects global teams, suppliers, and logistic partners for end-to-end visibility and frictionless collaboration. Our agile and composable Supply Chain solutions unify siloed data sources in real-time to detect opportunities, predict and overcome disruptions, and deliver sustainable competitive advantage. Reach out to learn more or get started with a free trial of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management.


1- A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft. March 2022.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s Research & Advisory organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

GARTNER and MAGIC QUADRANT are trademarks and service marks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post Microsoft fuels digital transformation of supply chains for a resilient and sustainable future appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/04/28/microsoft-fuels-digital-transformation-of-supply-chains-for-a-resilient-and-sustainable-future/feed/ 3
3 key considerations when choosing an order management system http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/03/28/3-key-considerations-when-choosing-an-order-management-system/ Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:00:00 +0000 The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed “order management” from the backend of logistics operations to the spotlight of supply chain and commerce strategies. Retailers, consumer package goods (CPG) companies, and distributors rushed to adapt their business models to fulfill the explosive growth of online orders through different digital channels. End-customers and organizations buy through various channels

The post 3 key considerations when choosing an order management system appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed “order management” from the backend of logistics operations to the spotlight of supply chain and commerce strategies. Retailers, consumer package goods (CPG) companies, and distributors rushed to adapt their business models to fulfill the explosive growth of online orders through different digital channels. End-customers and organizations buy through various channels such as marketplaces, in-store, mobile apps, and even social media. They expect faster and more convenient ways for pickups and returns, such as pickup in-store, at a partner’s location, and for returns, drop off at the nearest location, QR codes, and even at-home pickup.

As the number of order sources and fulfillment options grow exponentially, organizations need the right order management solution to keep up with the evolving digital commerce landscape. This blog looks at three key aspects to consider when selecting an order management solution and how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management can help you.

1. Open and modern platform

The adoption of online shopping, and the addition of more consumers and businesses online for all types of transactions with the pandemic, have created a demand for convenience and personalization in digital commerce. As the number of online marketplaces grows, retailers, CPG, distributors, and manufacturers with business-to-business (B2B) and direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models require to accept orders from an ever-growing external ecosystem. Receiving orders from multiple sources increases order management and supply chain complexity. Therefore, these organizations need an order management solution that helps them accept orders from anywhere to keep pace with the continuing evolution of e-commerce.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management has an open and modern platform that seamlessly integrates with organizations’ existing tech stack. Its architecture reduces implementation time through out-of-the-box pre-built connectors to the best-of-breed ecosystem of partners for order source, delivery, tax compliance, price calculation, and logistics services such as Adobe Commerce, J.B. Hunt, Körber, Uber Freight, Avalara, Vertex, Flexe, Big Commerce, Far Eye, Commerce Tools, Flintfox, Ship Station, and Orderful. Moreover, this platform architecture is composable and flexible to allow supply chain professionals to build a supply chain tower incrementally through a modular and API-first approach, where the ultimate goal is supply chain visibility.

Learn about more extended capabilities in our blog: FedEx and Dynamics 365 reimagine commerce experiences.

2. Real-time visibility and intelligent fulfillment optimization

The 2021 Gartner® supply chain risk and resilience survey shows that for 83 percent of large organizations, better supply chain ecosystem visibility is a top priority.1 And another Gartner® research shows that 60 percent of chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) are expected to make faster, more accurate, and consistent decisions in real-time.2 The cycle-time of business processes continues to accelerate, particularly in order management processes that serve consumers who expect faster and more convenient shipping to the location of their choice. To succeed in these conditions, companies need a solution that simplifies omnichannel order fulfillment by providing real-time visibility and AI-infused real-time data.

With Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, supply chain and commerce professionals can model and automate responses to order constraints by using a journey orchestration designer and assigning rules in a low-code/no-code friendly user interface with drag and drop actions instead of coding. Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management uses an intelligent fulfillment optimization service to infuse AI into order fulfillment within your supply chain network. The intelligent optimization engine works to ensure the right products are delivered from the right source in the right quantities so that you always maximize profits, minimize costs, and satisfy service-level requirements.

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3. Faster deployment times

Accepting orders from anywhere carries an additional challenge: implementation. Businesses need an order management solution that allows them to get up and running quickly. Not only do they need to be able to accept orders from anywhere, but many organizations also have existing systems that they would like to augment, not replace. If you are in the process of updating your order management system and fall into this category, then understanding what is involved in the implementation process is critically important. Will custom coding be required to integrate with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) and warehouse management system (WMS)? How about your customer relationship management (CRM) or transportation management system (TMS)? For most, the best solution is a cloud-based integrated-service-as-a-software (iSaaS) that uses RESTful APIs and can be easily configured using a low-code/no-code user interface.

Applications that take this approach enable supply chain and commerce professionals to continue to use and benefit from legacy applications, while also providing the agility to easily connect and integrate with modern web-based solutions. This is the approach that we have taken with Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management because it delivers these benefits and accelerates the digital transformation process regardless of where a company is in its digital transformation journey.

You can learn more in our infographic: Top five reasons to update your order management solution.

What’s next?

It is essential to look for an order management solution that will give you out-of-the-box pre-built connectors to an ecosystem of partners, provide real-time order visibility, intelligent fulfillment optimization, and get up you running quickly with seamless integration with your existing tech stacks, such as ERP and CRM systems. Traditional, on-premises order management systems can lack the flexibility required to keep pace with the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce.

With Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, you can leverage our modern cloud technology, integrate with your existing platforms, and quickly implement new capabilities that enable AI, automation, order flow orchestration, and on-demand scalability. Get started today with Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management free trial and turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage.


1- Gartner, Infographic: Supply Chain Visibility Is Fundamental to Resilience in Supply Ecosystems, February 10th, 2022.

2- Gartner, Reinventing Supply Chain for the Future, Learn four key innovations, 2021.

GARTNER is the registered trademark and service mark of Gartner Inc., and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and has been used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post 3 key considerations when choosing an order management system appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

FedEx and Dynamics 365 reimagine commerce experiences http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/02/09/fedex-and-dynamics-365-reimagine-commerce-experiences/ Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:00:00 +0000 The pandemic has sped up the adoption of digital technologies to obtain data insights. The multi-year collaboration between FedEx and Microsoft, announced in May 2020, aims to reinvent commerce and provides businesses with actionable insights to win in an increasingly competitive landscape. And on January 24th, we announced a new cross-platform “logistics as a service”

The post FedEx and Dynamics 365 reimagine commerce experiences appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


The pandemic has sped up the adoption of digital technologies to obtain data insights. The multi-year collaboration between FedEx and Microsoft, announced in May 2020, aims to reinvent commerce and provides businesses with actionable insights to win in an increasingly competitive landscape. And on January 24th, we announced a new cross-platform “logistics as a service” as the next phase of this collaboration to help transform commerce by combining the global digital and logistics network of FedEx with the power of Microsoft’s cloud, including Microsoft Dynamics 365. This blog explores how this next step brings a unique integration between FedEx and Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. We are making this pre-built connector available for preview for all applicable markets during the second half of 2022.

Faster and more cost-effective delivery

According to McKinsey & Company, a positive customer experience is hugely meaningful to a retailers’ success: it yields 20 percent higher customer-satisfaction rates, a 10 to 15 percent boost in sales conversation rates, and an increase in employee engagement of 20 to 30 percent.1 The combination of consumers’ expectations for fast delivery with the business requirements to maintain profitability margins makes it even more challenging for organizations to offer faster, cost-effective delivery options.

The FedEx integration with Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management tackles this challenge by pairing orders with near real-time transportation network data and inventory insights so that brands can optimize fulfillment and deliver on their order promise with increased precision. And retailers can predict shipment delays and proactively overcome them by selecting alternative ways to fulfill the order on time and in full while staying profitable.

Near real-time delivery status communications

Manufacturers, distributors, consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies, and retailers understand that success depends on their ability to consistently deliver a delightful customer experience, which is increasingly a function of a retail supply chain. A recent Gartner® survey found that 83 percent of companies demand that supply chains improve customer experience (CX) as part of the digital business strategy.2 Retail supply chains can improve the customer experience by offering near real-time delivery status communications for customer orders. And this is one of the enhancements that customers can look forward to as part of our collaboration with FedEx.

Through Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management’s integration with FedEx, it will be possible for brands to ensure a delightful customer experience by providing near real-time communications on the delivery status that consumers desire and expect.

Convenient and frictionless returns

Providing easy returns is no longer optional for retailers. In fact, according to Statista, 86 percent of global consumers look for easy returns when deciding where to buy, and 81 percent are likely to switch to a competitor if they had a bad return experience.3 With so much at stake, it is not surprising that retailers are looking for ways to leverage technology to offer convenient, frictionless returns. By partnering with FedEx, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management further enables brands to reliably provide free two-day shipping options to reduce shopping cart abandonment and effectively compete in the increasingly digital commerce landscape.

Through the partnership, organizations can also offer a better returns experience for their customers. End-customers will enjoy hassle-free returns options with the 60,000+ FedEx drop-off locations, convenient at-home pickups, and eco-friendly alternatives supporting sustainability initiatives such as printer-less QR code returns labels and no-box returns.

In addition to the enhancements that our partnership with FedEx will bring to Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, customers also benefit from the ability to get up and running quickly without the need for costly rip and replace processes of existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. And because Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is built on a modern and open platform with out-of-the-box, pre-built connectors to a large ecosystem of order intake, shipping, and tax calculation partners, organizations can scale business. It also allows companies to accept orders from any order source, such as online e-commerce, marketplaces, mobile apps, or traditional sources such as electronic data interchange (EDI). And users can fulfill those orders from a mix of internal warehouses, third-party logistics providers, retail stores, or drop-ship partners locations.

graphical user interface, application
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management Return Management Connector 2
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management Return Management Connector 3

What’s next

We have seen that Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is driving improvements in retail supply chains through its FedEx collaboration. We have also shown how the upcoming integration with FedEx will help brands deliver modern, more delightful experiences directly to customers, including faster, more cost-effective delivery, near real-time communications on status delivery, and convenient and frictionless returns. If you are ready to apply an intelligent order management solution to drive improvement in these areas, we invite you to take our guided tour or get started today with the Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management free trial.


  1. McKinsey & Company, Personalizing the customer experience: Driving differentiation in retail, April 28, 2020.
  2. Gartner, Four Steps to Become a Customer-Centric Supply Chain, 2021. GARTNER is the registered trademark and service mark of Gartner Inc., and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and has been used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
  3. Statista, Consumer attitudes towards return policy of retailers and its influence on their purchasing decision worldwide 2020.

The post FedEx and Dynamics 365 reimagine commerce experiences appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Dynamics 365 composable approach enables rapid deployment of a supply chain control tower http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/01/31/dynamics-365-composable-approach-enables-rapid-deployment-of-a-supply-chain-control-tower/ Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:00:00 +0000 Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights is now part of Microsoft Supply Chain Center, which is available in preview starting November 16, 2022. Click Introducing the Microsoft Supply Chain Platform, a new approach to designing supply chains for agility, automation and sustainability to learn more. Delays, constraints, and disruptions are frequent challenges for global supply chains.

The post Dynamics 365 composable approach enables rapid deployment of a supply chain control tower appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights is now part of Microsoft Supply Chain Center, which is available in preview starting November 16, 2022. Click Introducing the Microsoft Supply Chain Platform, a new approach to designing supply chains for agility, automation and sustainability to learn more.

Delays, constraints, and disruptions are frequent challenges for global supply chains. And they are costly. According to Gartner® 70 percent of supply chain leaders report that they have been constantly responding to disruptions since 2019.1 Supply chain professionals have long understood that the earlier potential disruptions and constraints are identified, the more successful the measures to adapt and overcome them can be. So, the question becomes, how do we identify disruptions and constraints at the earliest possible opportunity? The answer is real-time, end-to-end visibility across the supply chain, which is precisely what supply chain control towers provide.

While the benefits of supply chain control towers are easily understood, many organizations continue to struggle to make control towers a reality. The composable approach of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is changing this situation however, and providing organizations a path to rapid deployment of supply chain control towers. This article explains the composable approach and why it is an essential ingredient for success in supply chain control tower initiatives.

Learn more in our on-demand webinar: How to rapidly deploy a supply chain control tower with a composable approach.

The future leans towards composable solutions

The future of business applications is composable. We can see this in reports from analyst firms such as Gartner®, who predict that “by 2023 organizations, that have adopted a composable approach will outpace their competition by 80 percent.”2 But, what is a composable approach? Before we delve into the composable approach and what makes it different, let’s briefly explore the evolution of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions as this will help us understand why composability is key to achieving end-to-end visibility.

The challenge of achieving end-to-end visibility

In the past, ERP systems were sold as one massive application. This meant that they were expensive and difficult to change. As these applications matured, vendors looked for ways to give customers greater flexibility. To provide this flexibility, business functions, like sales and supply chain, were increasingly offered as modular components such as customer relationships management (CRM) systems, warehouse management systems (WMS), transportation management systems (TMS), and supply chain management (SCM) systems. While modularity did provide flexibility, the flexibility itself created other problems, as we discuss next.

The main issue is that once business functions could select the components that best suited their needs, such as CRM or WMS, replacement and implementation of these systems often took place at different times, and systems were often from different vendors. Also, due to the possible differences in maturity levels and solution architectures of these disparate systems, they required time-consuming and expensive custom development to achieve end-to-end integration across the enterprise. And after integration, end-to-end performance was often plagued by latency, synchronization, and data unification issues. This is the situation where many companies find themselves today and it is the primary reason that achieving real-time end-to-end visibility of the supply chain has been so elusive.

Microservices are composable

Technology vendors began offering business solutions assembled application experiences built on microservices architectures in the continuing drive to improve customer applications. Whereas in the past, a specific business function, like warehouse or sales, would select the right system for their needs, such as CRM or WMS, businesses can now choose solutions tailored to individual workloads. For example, a simple order management workload could be composed by bringing together order orchestration, fulfillment, and inventory.

These microservices, such as real-time inventory and fulfillment, not only provide greater flexibility, but because they easily connect to other microservice applications and utilize API-driven messaging, data and actions can be pulled and pushed between different systems—decreasing latency, improving synchronization, and enabling real-time end-to-end visibility in the process. This is why a composable approach makes the rapid deployment of a supply chain control tower possible.

Our vision

Gartner® predicts that by 2026, 80 percent of companies will suffer significant value loss due to failure to merge their digital supply twin and control tower initiatives.3 We agree. And, our solutions help companies avoid this outcome by providing a composable approach that makes merging these initiatives possible.

At Microsoft, we see supply chain control towers as a shared service process that can be composed from a mix of supply chain workloads. For example, a supply chain control tower and digital twin can be built using Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights preview together with Microsoft Power Platform, and our growing digital supply chain applications ecosystem.


Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is often a great place to start when building a supply chain control tower in retail, distribution, direct-to-consumer (DTC), consumer packaged goods, and manufacturing companies. This is because Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is built on a microservice architecture that includes rules-based order orchestration and fulfillment, real-time inventory, and AI. As such, it is step-forward to the composable approach that allows companies to achieve the real-time end-to-end visibility of a supply chain control tower. The composability of the solution also means that organizations can get up running quickly and maximize the benefit of existing investments through easy integration with existing legacy ERP systems.

What’s next

Supply chain control towers that include Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management positions organizations to respond faster and more intelligently to disruptions and opportunities. Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management works seamlessly with any ERP and CRM system. It is also a stand-alone application that allows customers to start their control tower initiative without dependencies on other Dynamics 365 solutions. It integrates seamlessly with many market-leading API-enabled applications, using our out-of-the-box pre-built connectors to order intake sources, tax calculation, and third-party logistics partners ecosystem. Moreover, it automates and optimizes fulfillment using AI and real-time omnichannel inventory data. Supply chain and commerce professionals can proactively overcome disruptions through quickly order flows reconfigurations with drag and drop actions in a low-code/no-code interface. And by enabling them with all these capabilities, help them accelerate their order management digital transformation and turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage.

Learn more in the on-demand webinar: How to rapidly deploy a supply chain control Tower with a Composable Approach.


  1. Gartner, Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Strategy 2021, September 14, 2021.
  2. Gartner, Composable Commerce Must Be Adopted for the Future of Applications, June 18, 2020.
  3. Gartner, Predicts 2022: Supply Chain Technology, November 17, 2021.

GARTNER is the registered trademark and service mark of Gartner Inc., and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and has been used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post Dynamics 365 composable approach enables rapid deployment of a supply chain control tower appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Dynamics 365 helps build the retail supply chain of the future http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2022/01/19/dynamics-365-helps-build-the-retail-supply-chain-of-the-future/ Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:00:00 +0000 Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights is now part of Microsoft Supply Chain Center, which is available in preview starting November 16, 2022. Click Introducing the Microsoft Supply Chain Platform, a new approach to designing supply chains for agility, automation and sustainability to learn more. Earlier in 2021, we had discussed how retailers can create an

The post Dynamics 365 helps build the retail supply chain of the future appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights is now part of Microsoft Supply Chain Center, which is available in preview starting November 16, 2022. Click Introducing the Microsoft Supply Chain Platform, a new approach to designing supply chains for agility, automation and sustainability to learn more.

Earlier in 2021, we had discussed how retailers can create an intelligent supply chain to successfully navigate through the disruptions and quickly adapt to changing customer behavior. As our retail customers embarked on the journey to create a resilient and intelligent supply chain, there were three key areas that emerged where our customers prioritized their investments—optimizing fulfillment, predicting supply chain risks, and enhancing supply chain visibility. Let’s take a look at some of Microsoft’s recent innovations in these areas that enable retailers to create a supply chain of the future.

Turning order fulfillment into a competitive advantage

A retailer’s success hinges on having the right inventory at the right place at the right time. As retailers and brands continue to adapt to meeting the growing e-commerce demand, determining where the inventory is fulfilled for e-commerce versus in-store orders becomes critical to ensure that customer demands are met on time and in a profitable manner.

As a recent Gartner® report found, one of the ways to achieve supply chain excellence is by holding distribution center inventory in a channel-agnostic manner for flexible use of inventory to fulfill online and in-store demand effectively1. To achieve this level of flexibility, retailers need a system that offers rules-based order orchestration leveraging AI and real-time omnichannel inventory data to proactively address constraints and profitably fulfill orders on time and in full.

At Microsoft, we are at the forefront of these efforts, investing in solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management that help retailers reimagine the future of global supply chains and turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage.

Predict risk and enhance visibility with AI-powered insights

According to Gartner®, 76 percent of supply chain executives indicated that compared to three years ago, their company today faces more frequent disruptions in their supply chain. Meanwhile, another 72 percent reported that the impact of disruptive events has increased.2

Retailers have made significant strides in 2021 to create resiliency in their supply chains but the response has still been very reactive in nature. Slow digitization of the supply chain continues to inhibit organizations from proactively planning for changing customer demand and supply challenges. With an increase in e-commerce, it is imperative to gain real-time visibility into inventory at every node of the supply chain, all the way from the manufacturer to shipping ports to distribution centers to stores and finally to the consumer. Brands gain affinity when they consistently deliver on their order promise to their customers.

With this need for increased visibility and consistency in mind, we recently launched Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights in preview that enables organizations to predict risks in their supply chain based on news, weather, geo-political events, etc., and enables them to make better supply chain decisions with proactive risk mitigation via prescriptive insights powered by AI.

With Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Insights, retailers and consumer goods companies can create a digital representation of their physical supply chain. This enables them to simulate different scenarios at different nodes along the value chain and make well-informed decisions to mitigate any disruption. They can further gain visibility into the supply chains of their multiple tiers of suppliers, and improve the effectiveness of their demand and supply planning to ensure a delightful customer experience.

We also made significant enhancements to the Inventory Visibility add-in for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. Retailers can now get near real-time inventory visibility across all their internal channels and disparate third-party supply chain systems in a single place. Adding multiple systems in a scalable manner allows them to add new third-party integrations as they grow their supplier network or acquire new businesses. The enhanced visibility enables businesses to proactively mitigate any out-of-stock situations. Furthermore, they can perform soft reservations based on omnichannel sales demand so that they do not incorrectly commit to a customer.

Retailers can further leverage enhanced planning capabilities to enable near real-time inventory planning by prioritizing certain orders over others with ease. For example, they can prioritize orders for products that are low on stock versus the ones that are not. Lastly, retailers can optimize and streamline back-of-house operations like receiving and replenishment using the Warehouse Management mobile app. The mobile app empowers distribution centers, warehouses, and brick-and-mortar locations to make inventory decisions like transferring goods from one location to another simply by scanning the items. By running critical warehouse operations on Edge, retailers can ensure business continuity across all locations despite latency or network issues at HQ.

All the supply chain solutions from Dynamics 365 are not only interoperable with each other but also seamlessly work with other third-party ERP, commerce, and supply chain systems.

Take the Supply Chain Visibility Guided Tour to see how a retailer can enhance supply chain visibility using Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Cloud for Retail.

Here are some recent examples of our retail customers who have created a resilient supply chain this past year using Dynamics 365.

Servis Industries Limited powers direct-to-consumer expansion by moving to the cloud

Established more than 50 years ago, Servis Industries Limited (SIL) is a leading manufacturer and exporter in Pakistan. To achieve its goal of becoming a global, world-class, and diversified company, SIL moved its on-premises infrastructure to the cloud by adopting Dynamics 365 Finance, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, and Dynamics 365 Commerce. Now, the company has a holistic overview of its retail stores and an infrastructure management system that can support rapid national and international growth.

“To achieve our goal, we need to open 40 to 50 outlets per year. It used to be that with each new store, our team had to be on-site to provide technical support. Now, everything is cloud-based, so we don’t have to travel. The new stores can just access the systems and start their operations almost immediately.”––Faisal Rizvi, Head of IT, Servis Industries Limited.  

Another challenge that SIL encountered in its journey was the need to meet the evolving customer expectation for personalized engagement, omnichannel experiences, and frictionless interactions. For this, the company turned to Distributed Order Management to deliver smooth order processing between its e-commerce platform and physical stores and to optimize order fulfillment across their network by utilizing AI, automation, and real-time inventory.

Khaadi delivers rapid omnichannel success

Founded in 1998, Khaadi is Pakistan’s premier fashion retailer with more than 70 physical stores across Pakistan, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the United Kingdom, and online stores in more than 12 countries. With its growing network of physical and online storefronts, the company needed a solution that could streamline its omnichannel sales delivery and empower its daily operations with actionable store-level insights for managers. The drive towards omnichannel was forced into overdrive when pandemic lockdowns moved all of Khaadi’s operations online. Suddenly, they needed to pivot to leverage a single inventory across the business and use their stores as fulfillment hubs.

To meet this challenge, Khaadi turned to Microsoft Power Apps and Power BI, alongside Dynamics 365 Commerce, Dynamics 365 Finance, and Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. With this technology in place, Khaadi successfully transitioned to omnichannel.

“We were able to draw up a blueprint for omnichannel sales rapidly and implemented a complete enterprise-level scenario in just in one weekend. IT was able to transform the dynamics of our business within just a week’s time, making Khaadi a truly omnichannel enabled retailer. From there, it was only a matter of three months before we scaled the roll out ten times with help of Dynamics 365 Commerce Distributed Order Management.”––Muhammad Rehan Qadri, Chief Information Officer, Khaadi.

As you can see by these recent customer success stories, Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management is helping companies to deliver the retail supply chain of the future by empowering direct-to-consumer expansion and accelerating omnichannel success.

What’s next?

The events of the past two years have made it essential for businesses to invest in technology that can help them sense supply chain constraints and disruptions and predict spikes and troughs in demand. Microsoft Dynamics 365 assists companies in integrating these types of new capabilities, such as real-time, end-to-end visibility, priority-based planning, and AI-empowered insights so that they can effectively compete in this new normal. As we have seen here, this can take the form of accelerating direct-to-consumer and omnichannel success, empowering retailers to turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage, and integrating advanced warehousing solutions to improve distribution processes.  

To learn more, join the Ask the Experts session on how to automate and optimize fulfillment on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. You can watch the on-demand webinar on how to create a resilient and sustainable supply chain and the total economic impact of implementing Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. You can also watch the on-demand webinar on how to enhance the visibility of your supply chain by taking a composable approach to rapidly deploy a Supply Chain Control Tower.


1- Gartner®: The Contemporary Guide to Retail Supply Chain Excellence: Part 1 — Inventory and Assortment Published 22 November 2021 – ID G00743960

2- Gartner®, Six Ways Supply Chain Analytics Mitigate Business Disruptions, 2021

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post Dynamics 365 helps build the retail supply chain of the future appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management launches new guided tour http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2021/11/11/dynamics-365-intelligent-order-management-launches-new-guided-tour/ Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:00:30 +0000 Today we are excited to announce the new guided tour for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. We are also taking this opportunity to talk about businesses’ need for order management solutions to move beyond the limitations of traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and keep pace with the fast-changing landscape of e-commerce. View of

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Today we are excited to announce the new guided tour for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management. We are also taking this opportunity to talk about businesses’ need for order management solutions to move beyond the limitations of traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and keep pace with the fast-changing landscape of e-commerce.

View of one of the steps of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management guided tour.

View of one of the steps of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management guided tour.

Moving beyond traditional ERP

An excellent customer experience is a requirement for organizational success in today’s modern business environment. This is particularly true for retailers, distributors, and manufacturers that are embracing direct-to-consumer business models. When it comes to selling, manufacturing, or distributing physical goods, a critical component of providing an excellent customer experience is ensuring that customer orders are shipped On Time and In Full (OTIF), every time.

And more and more companies are realizing that traditional ERP systems lack the adaptability, agility, and resiliency necessary to keep pace with the ever-evolving demands and growing complexity of modern digital commerce. To meet these challenges, forward-thinking organizations have found that order management solutions provide them the required capability to accept orders from anywhere and fulfill them everywhere in a cost-efficient manner. To this end, let’s look at two ways that Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management allows businesses to move beyond the limitations of traditional ERP systems.

Faster delivery

The accelerated shift to buying online that accompanied the global pandemic came alongside the trend of consumers demanding shorter delivery times. The result is that for companies interested in selling direct-to-consumer, delivering within two days—if not sooner­—became table stakes. It makes sense then that when McKinsey & Company surveyed apparel, hard goods, and specialty retailers in 2021, they found that the overwhelming majority—75 percent—had active plans to build out fulfillment networks that offer two-day or faster delivery times by 2022.​1

And this is just one area where traditional ERP systems face challenges and where organizations need advanced solutions to move beyond their limitations. For example, consider that modern digital commerce companies frequently need to add new partners and apps for e-commerce, customer relationship management (CRM), shipping, billing, tax calculations, etc. To be effective this requires an easy-to-deploy solution that integrates with internal and external ecosystems without the need for costly and time-consuming rip and replace processes. Enter Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management, a modern, and open platform that allows organizations to overcome supply chain constraints and disruptions, and capitalize seasonal peak volumes.

Composable approach

Gartner® predicts that by 2023, organizations that have adopted a composable approach will outpace the competition by 80 percent in the speed of new feature implementation.2 A primary reason for adopting a composable approach is because it provides greater agility and resiliency. Traditional ERP falls short on delivering this agility and resiliency because of their lack of real-time inventory visibility into siloed data. Plus, traditional ERPs don’t have the ability to easily support customized rules for the latest fulfillment methods such as Buy-online, Pickup in-store (BOPIS), and AI and machine learning capabilities.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management seamlessly works with existing ERPs and supply chain solutions to enhance end-to-end visibility. It enables customers to create an execution-based control tower, suited to companies that must delight customers with accurate, timely fulfillment of frequent orders, perhaps using third-party logistics (3PL) providers.

It uses rules based-fulfillment orchestration and AI-based anomaly detection models to proactively identify and address fulfillment constraints and improve delivery times while reducing costs. This helps accelerate decision-making to mitigate the impact of disruptions. As massive amounts of data are generated across the order management processes, technologies such as AI and machine learning are increasingly necessary because businesses must be able to deliver actionable insights at scale.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables organizations to extend and operate in complex environments, where there are many internal and external supply chain partners. Moreover, it is designed to easily configure order orchestration flows through low-code or no-code interfaces and quickly scale by adding new partners’ connectors to the best-of-breed solutions for e-commerce, shipping, tax calculation, and more.

At this point, it makes sense to conclude that order management systems need to be open and flexible solutions, capable of handling and integrating with multiple order sources and order orchestration applications. In this way, Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is far more flexible than traditional ERPs. It can be used as a started point to build a control tower with this desirable composable approach, as it integrates with existing ERPs, making them much faster and cheaper to customize and support.

In summary, this composable approach is what makes it possible for organizations to connect their existing supply chain systems, enhance these systems with an order management solution, and to integrate all business platforms with new e-commerce, payments, shipping, taxes, and other partners. This is accomplished by using prebuilt connectors to manage the entire order life cycle more efficiently and to provide more organizational agility and resiliency in the process.

Learn more about how to create agile and digital supply chains in this webinar.

What’s next?

We have reviewed some of the areas where Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management allows businesses to move beyond the limitations of traditional ERP systems. We invite you to experience a free trial of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management or visit our new guided tour to learn more.

1-McKinsey & Company, Retail’s need for speed: Unlocking value in omnichannel delivery, September 2021​.

2-Gartner, Composable Commerce Must Be Adopted for the Future of Applications, June 2020. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner Inc., in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management launches new guided tour appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables fulfillment optimization and supply chain resiliency http://approjects.co.za/?big=en-us/dynamics-365/blog/business-leader/2021/10/06/dynamics-365-intelligent-order-management-enables-fulfillment-optimization-and-supply-chain-resiliency/ Wed, 06 Oct 2021 15:00:57 +0000 Many organizations face supply chain challenges that can be addressed through digital transformation, yet organizational limitations make this transformation difficult. Disparate and disconnected enterprise systems can prohibit companies from gaining end-to-end visibility into their supply chains, while outdated technology can create a lack of business continuity during disruptions or lead to an inability to rapidly

The post Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables fulfillment optimization and supply chain resiliency appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.


Many organizations face supply chain challenges that can be addressed through digital transformation, yet organizational limitations make this transformation difficult. Disparate and disconnected enterprise systems can prohibit companies from gaining end-to-end visibility into their supply chains, while outdated technology can create a lack of business continuity during disruptions or lead to an inability to rapidly adapt to changing customer demand. New technologies that enable and automate data-driven decision-making should be central to any strategy designed to meet these challenges. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management is a nimble and modern, open platform that empowers businesses to do exactly that.

Intelligent fulfillment optimization

Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management comes with a fulfillment optimization engine that intelligently manages order complexities, while also providing real-time end-to-end visibility into all inventory and order flows. Companies that ship direct-to-consumer, such as retailers, manufacturers, and distributors, face considerable challenges in this arena. This is one reason that in a recent Economist survey sponsored by Microsoft, ninety-nine percent of OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) believe that the digital transformation of their supply chain is important to meeting their organizations’ strategic objectives.1

The challenge comes from the complexity created by combining a myriad of order sources such as e-commerce marketplaces, physical stores, and call centers. Plus, a growing number of options to fulfill, including distribution centers, third-party logistics providers, and supplier drop-shipping. And finally, any number of inventory holding locations from which physical inventory can be pulled to fulfill customer orders. Leveraging and optimizing the use of these options and assets is crucial for businesses seeking to profitably deliver on their order promise.

With our rules-based, event-driven, AI-infused fulfillment optimization engine, we make it easier than ever to connect to any of these enterprise applications via simple API interfaces. The result is that companies can quickly connect their existing order management systems, such as ERP and WMS, and extend these with our pre-built partner connectors. By giving businesses this unprecedented flexibility, Intelligent Order Management plays a pivotal role in digitally transforming the supply chain while also making supply chains more resilient.

Learn more in our recent e-book: The Savvy CSCO’s Guide to Transforming Order Management.

Spotlight on ShipStation integration

Last month we introduced our new integration with ShipStation. This month, we want to look at how ShipStation is used within Intelligent Order Management with a simple walkthrough.

Learn more in our recent blog post: Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management accelerates adaptability.

For those who haven’t had an opportunity to check out the recent blog above, ShipStation is a cloud-based e-commerce shipping platform specializing in creating shipping labels. With ShipStation, users can automatically import all e-commerce orders, create labels with discounted rates, send out shipping notification emails to customers, and send shipment details back to the order source. By integrating ShipStation with the Intelligent Order Management platform, users can bring all their carriers and order sources together within one unified solution.

When an order is received and ShipStation is selected for use, carrier service and delivery timeline information from ShipStation are captured in real-time by Intelligent Order Management to provide users with visibility of the shipment details.

The following screenshot shows the ShipStation information integrated into the Intelligent Order Management application. As you can see, Intelligent Order Management gives you visibility into the full details on the creation of the fulfillment order, including its unique timeline, which is added as a map to show how the delivery route looks.

In the screenshot below, you can see that ShipStation has also generated a tracking number that is automatically shown in Intelligent Order Management.

And the shipping label is also available from a single click without ever leaving the application, as shown below.

The label information generated by ShipStation is then passed back to the warehouse, which receives the pick list of items that need to be shipped to fulfill the order.

By combining new partner connectors like ShipStation with our fulfillment optimization engine, users of Intelligent Order Management can fulfill orders better, faster, and cheaper than ever before.

What’s next?

Organizations that ship direct-to-consumer need technology solutions to have end-to-end visibility into their supply chains, which will help them to achieve supply chain resiliency. A central part of a supply chain digital transformation is an order management solution with a fulfillment optimization engine. Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management comes with a powerful fulfillment optimization engine that allows companies to simplify the complexity of managing numerous orders, fulfillment, and inventory sources. On top of this, we have added new provider connectors such as ShipStation so that companies can act before orders become late, gain access to discounted shipping rates, and offer customers greater visibility into order delivery status with email notifications.

If you would like to discover how you can turn order fulfillment into a competitive advantage and enhance your customers’ experience, you can get started today with a free trial of Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management or check out our recent webinar to learn more.

1 The Economist Intelligence Unit. Putting customers at the centre of the OEM supply chain. 2019

The post Dynamics 365 Intelligent Order Management enables fulfillment optimization and supply chain resiliency appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blog.
