const init = () => { //const $carousel = jQuery('.c-carousel.f-multi-slide > [itemscope] > ul'); /** * Event to switch tabs * TODO: Refactor the variables/events to allow for expanding the number of tabs * */ const switchTab = () => { const $R1 = document.querySelector('#pivot-tab-primaryR1'); const $R2 = document.querySelector('#pivot-tab-primaryR2'); const $R1_Pivot = document.querySelector('#pivot-primaryR1'); const $R2_Pivot = document.querySelector('#pivot-primaryR2'); const fn_navigateToR1 = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!$R1.classList.contains('f-active')) { $R1.classList.add('f-active'); $R2.classList.remove('f-active'); $R1_Pivot.classList.add('tab-displayed'); $R2_Pivot.classList.remove('tab-displayed'); if (window.innerWidth < 700) { jQuery('.c-carousel.f-multi-slide > [itemscope] > ul').slick('refresh'); } } } const fn_navigateToR2 = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (!$R2.classList.contains('f-active')) { $R2.classList.add('f-active'); $R1.classList.remove('f-active'); $R1_Pivot.classList.remove('tab-displayed'); $R2_Pivot.classList.add('tab-displayed'); setTimeout(() => { adjustSection(); }, 1000); if (window.innerWidth < 700) { jQuery('.c-carousel.f-multi-slide > [itemscope] > ul').slick('refresh'); } } } const fn_cycleTabs = (e, fn, $focus) => { const arrow = { left: 37, right: 39 }; switch (e.which) { case arrow.left: case arrow.right: fn(e); $focus.focus(); break; } } $R1.addEventListener('click', fn_navigateToR1); $R2.addEventListener('click', fn_navigateToR2); $R1.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => fn_cycleTabs(e, fn_navigateToR2, $R2)); $R2.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => fn_cycleTabs(e, fn_navigateToR1, $R1)); }; // Event to expand and collapse Services & value section const ServiceValues = () => { document.querySelectorAll(' td > button').forEach((ele) => { ele.addEventListener('click', (e) => { document.querySelectorAll(' td').forEach((item) => { item.classList.toggle('show'); item.closest('').classList.toggle('visible'); setTimeout(() => { adjustSection(); }, 1000); }); }); }); document.querySelectorAll('.services-mobile').forEach((e) => { e.addEventListener('click', (e) => { document.querySelectorAll('.services-mobile').forEach((item) => { item.classList.toggle('show'); jQuery('.c-carousel.f-multi-slide > [itemscope] > ul').slick('refresh'); }); }); }); }; // Inject slider to table mobile view const mobileSlider = () => { if (window.innerWidth <= 700) { jQuery.getScript('//', () => { setTimeout(() => { jQuery('.c-carousel.f-multi-slide > [itemscope] > ul').slick({ dots: true, arrows: true, speed: 800, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, autoplay: false, adaptiveHeight: true, autoplaySpeed: 2500, infinite: false }); }, 1000); }); } if (window.innerWidth > 700) { window.addEventListener('resize', () => { if (window.innerWidth <= 700) { window.location.reload(); } }); } }; const adjustSection = () => { let adjustSection1 = document.querySelector('.wf-target-height').clientHeight; document.querySelector( '#office-ComparisonTable-1mp1si2 > div > div.ow-comparison-table.bullets-list > div.desktop.products-3 > table > tbody > > td:nth-child(2) > div > div > ul:nth-child(3)' ).style.height = `${adjustSection1 - 66}px`; document.querySelector( '#office-ComparisonTable-1mp1si2 > div > div.ow-comparison-table.bullets-list > div.desktop.products-3 > table > tbody > > td:nth-child(3) > div > div > ul:nth-child(3)' ).style.height = `${adjustSection1 - 66}px`; }; if (document.getElementById('adobe-target-primary-section')) { switchTab(); ServiceValues(); mobileSlider(); window.addEventListener('resize', adjustSection); } }; init();