window.beginLoadingTagging = function () { /** Tagging Implementation & Privacy Management Tools * */ window.tagging = window.tagging || {}; // Construct window.tagging.config window.tagging.config = window.tagging.config || (function () { var config = {}; config.startTime =; config.consentReadyTime = null; config.maxWaitTime = 8000; config.processedTags = []; return config; })(); // Construct window.tagging.environment window.tagging.environment = window.tagging.environment || (function () { var environment = {}; /** Select TMS environment path to use * if query string parameter matches .queryStringOverrideKey (e.g. tmsEnvironment) * - and has a value of 'production', 'staging', or 'development' * then uses the environment.path lookup to set the