gateway Archives - Microsoft Power Platform Blog Innovate with Business Apps Tue, 24 Mar 2020 15:57:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Gateway management features on the Power Platform Admin Center Tue, 24 Mar 2020 15:57:00 +0000 We are happy to announce that we have made enhancements to gateway management operations on Power Platform Admin center.

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We are happy to announce that we have made enhancements to gateway management operations on Power Platform Admin center. We have added new features listed below:

  • Gateway Member Status, State and Remove Operation
  • Gateway Cluster Status
  • Remove Gateway Clusters
  • Gateway Cluster Settings

Now all features (including these new ones) which gateway admins have access to are available for tenant admins also.

Gateway Member Status, State and Remove Operation

We have added a lot of new management features for gateway members. You can access these features by clicking on the “Details”.

You now see the details in a tabular format which is easier to read.

  • Gateway Name- The name of the gateway member.
  • Device name – The physical device on which the gateway is installed
  • Version – This is the gateway software version installed on the machine
  • Status- You can check the status of gateway members by clicking on the icon.
  • State – You can enable or disable a gateway member using this toggle. You may want to disable a gateway member when the gateway would be offline for updates, etc.

Gateway Cluster Status 

You can now see the gateway cluster status, so clicking on .

Remove Gateway Cluster  

You can now remove gateway cluster both standard and personal modes from the admin center now.

Gateway Cluster Settings 

In the past only gateway admins could see Gateway Cluster Settings now Tenant admins can also see these settings.

We have also recently introduced Load balancing settings on the admin portal. We have now classified settings as general and ones which applicable to specific to services like Power BI.

Please continue to send us feedback for what new capabilities you’d like to see in the future.

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On-premises data gateway November 2019 update is now available Mon, 25 Nov 2019 16:31:00 +0000 We are happy to announce that we have just released the November update for the On-premises data gateway (version 3000.14.39).

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We are happy to announce that we have just released the November update for the On-premises data gateway (version 3000.14.39)

Download Latest On-premises Data Gateway

Here is a feature that we would like to highlight with this month’s  release:

Change Gateway Recovery Key

The recovery key provided by gateway admins during installation of gateways cannot be changed today This key is used to create the symmetric key which in turn is used for encrypting credentials in data sources/connections using that gateway.

With the November release of Data Gateways, you will now be able to rotate this key.  More information about recovery keys, detailed description on how to perform this change and associated limitations can be found in the data gateway docs.

Here are some of the features that were released with the October release of gateway:

  • Load balance based on CPU and Memory throttling
  • Performance Monitoring Improvements
  • Improved Gateway Documentation

Load balance based on CPU and Memory throttling

Gateway admins can, now, throttle resources of each gateway member to make sure either a gateway member or the entire gateway cluster isn’t overloaded causing system failures.

If a gateway cluster with load balancing enabled receives a request from one of the cloud services (like Power BI), it randomly selects a gateway member. If this member is already at or over the throttling limit set for CPU or memory, another member within the cluster is selected. If all members within the cluster are in the same state, the request would fail.

To enable this feature, gateway admins would update the following settings in the Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config file available in the Program Files\On-premises data gateway\ folder.

  • CPUUtilizationPercentageThreshold – This configuration allows gateway admins to set a throttling limit for CPU. The permissible range for this configuration is between 0 to 100. A value of 0, which is the default, would indicate that this configuration is disabled.
  • MemoryUtilizationPercentageThreshold – This configuration allows gateway admins to set a throttling limit for memory. The permissible range for this configuration is between 0 to 100. A value of 0, which is the default, would indicate that this configuration is disabled.
  • ResourceUtilizationAggregateionPeriodInMinutes – This configuration is the time in minutes for which CPU and memory system counters of the gateway machine would be aggregated to be compared against the respective threshold limits set using configurations mentioned above. The default value for this configuration in 5.

Performance Monitoring Improvements

Based on your feedback,  we have now included an additional file called the Query start Report containing the Query start time and also the actual query text. You no longer need to turn on additional logging to obtain the query text. The Query start report contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description
GatewayObjectId Unique identifier for the gateway.
RequestId Unique identifier for a gateway request. It could be the same for multiple queries.
DataSource Contains both the data source type and data source.
QueryTrackingId Unique identifier for a query.
QueryExecutionStartTimeUTC Time when the query execution started.
QueryType Type of query. For instance, the query passed could be a Power BI refresh or DirectQuery. Or, it could be queries from PowerApps and Microsoft Flow.
QueryText Complete query.

In addition to the new report file, we have also updated the Performance monitoring template  in this release. The new version includes not only the new Query text and start time but also new visuals to improve the overall troubleshooting  experience.

Improved Gateway Documentation

We have heard your feedback and re-written the gateway documentation. We split them it into content that’s specific to Power BI and general content that applies to all services that the gateway supports. To provide feedback on each article, or the overall gateway docs experience, scroll to the bottom of any article.

Please continue to send us feedback for what new capabilities you’d like to see in the future.

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Gateway Management in the Power Platform Admin Center Wed, 17 Jul 2019 19:19:26 +0000 The Power Platform Admin Center now lets any Gateway administrator manage their On-premises Data Gateways.

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Earlier this year,  we made Administration of on-premises data gateway available in Public Preview for O365 Global admins and Power BI service admins on the Power Platform admin center. We are now making this feature available for Gateway admins.

As a gateway admin,  you will now be able to 

Note: Please refresh the page after logging in if you don’t see this latest feature.

As a  Office 365 Global admin or a Power BI service administrator, you will be able to see all gateways you manage in addition to the all gateways in your enterprise. You can switch between these two views using this toggle in the top right corner of the page:


The Manage On-premises data gateway installers for standard mode operation is restricted to only Office 365 Global admins and Power BI service administrators
Note: As part of this feature, we have enabled only sharing of gateways as admins. Sharing for “Can Use” and “Can use + Share” will be made available as part of a future release.

Do try out feature and provide your feedback. As always we would love to hear from you, learn from your experience and improve based on your feedback.

Thank you!

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On-premises data gateway May 2019 update is now available Thu, 09 May 2019 19:52:15 +0000 This is the announcement for the May release of gateway and a new performance monitoring feature which will help gateway admins gain insight into gateway usage.

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We are happy to announce that we have just released the May update for the On-premises data gateway (version 3000.5.185).

Here are some of the things that we would like to highlight with this month’s release:

  • Gateway Performance Monitoring (Public Preview)
  • May version of the mashup engine

Gateway Performance Monitoring (Public Preview)

We are excited to release this new feature for monitoring gateway usage and performance. Traditionally, for monitoring performance, gateway admins have had to depend on manually monitoring performance counters through the Windows Performance Monitor tool. This feature is an out of the box feature which includes additional logging regarding queries and system counters along with a Gateway Performance PBI template file to visualize these. This would insights into gateway usage and allow troubleshooting slow performing queries.

Note: this feature is currently available only for the On-premises data gateway in the standard mode and not for the personal mode.

When you turn this feature on, 3 new log files would be created:

  • Query Execution Report – Contains detailed query execution information.
  • Query Execution Aggregation Report – Contains query information aggregated to a time interval. The default value is 5 minutes but can be adjusted as described below.
  • System Counter Aggregation Report – Contains system counter values aggregated to a time interval. The default value is 5 minutes but can be adjusted as described below.

To enable this feature, please make the following changes to the Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config file in the “\Program Files\On-premises data gateway” folder

  • QueryExecutionReportOn – This attribute when updated to “True” enables additional logging for queries executed using the gateway and would create both the Query Execution and the Query Execution Aggregation Report files.
<setting name="QueryExecutionReportOn" serializeAs="String">


  • Set SystemCounterReportOn – This attribute when updated to “True” enables additional logging for memory and CPU system counters and would create the System Counter Aggregation Report
<setting name="SystemCounterReportOn" serializeAs="String">



Other values in the config file related to this feature which may be of interest to you would be:

  • ReportFilePath – Determines the path where the 3 new log files get stored using the attribute. This is by default the “\Users\PBIEgwService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\On-premises data gateway\Report” or “Windows\ServiceProfiles\PBIEgwService\AppData\Local\Microsoft\On-premises data gateway\Report” depending on the OS version. The PBIEgwService may need to be replaced with the service account running the data gateway.
  • ReportFileCount – Determines the number of log files of each kind to be retained. The default value is 10.
  • ReportFileSizeInBytes – Determines the size of the file to be maintained. The default value is 104857600.
  • QuerExecutionAggregationTimeInMinutes – Determines the number of minutes for which the query execution information would be aggregated. The default value is 5.
  • SystemCounterAggregationTimeInMinutes – Determines the number of minutes for which the system counters would be aggregated. The default value is 5.

Once you have made the above changes to the config file, do not forget to restart the gateway for these config values to take effect. You will now start seeing the report files getting generated in the ReportFilePath.

Note: Please wait for 5 minutes until the aggregate files get created in the ReportFilePath folder.

Now, to visualize this data download the Gateway Performance PBI template file and open it using Power BI desktop. You should see a pop-up for the Folder path. Please make sure this is the same as the value in ReportFilePath.


Click on Load and the template file would now start loading the data from your log files. All visuals should then be populated using the data in the reports. You can save this file as a PBIX and publish it to your service for automatic refreshes. Additionally, you could also customize this template file to suit your needs. Do provide any feedback on this new feature and any additional visuals which you would want us to add to the template.

May version of the mashup engine

This month’s Gateway update also includes an updated version of the Mashup Engine.

Last month, we also made available along with the latest gateway download, the previous 4 monthly gateway updates. This will make rolling back to an older version easier in case of issues/exceptions. This will also aid with troubleshooting.

 Please note that this upcoming changes may impact you:

We would be using .NET 4.7.2 framework for gateways July 2019 version or higher hence some of the operating systems we used to support may no longer be supported. More information about OS which will be supported here.

Please continue to send us feedback for what new capabilities you’d like to see in the future.


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Enhancements to On-premises data gateway management in the Power Platform Admin center Thu, 25 Apr 2019 17:25:00 +0000 There are new on-premises data gateway management features in the Power platform admin center (Public Preview). These include visibility to personal gateways and ability to manage gateway installers within an organization.

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We launched the public preview of the Data Gateway administration feature on the Power platform admin center in January. This feature provides tenant admins with visibility into all On-premises data gateways within their organization and also management capabilities.

We are now excited to add 2 new capabilities to this feature:

  • Visibility into On-premises data gateway (Personal mode)
  • Manage installers for On-premises data gateways

Note:  On-premises data gateway (Personal mode)  can be used only with Power BI

Visibility into On-premises data gateway (Personal mode)

With the last release global admins had visibility into all On-premises data gateways within their enterprise. Now they will also be able to see all personal gateways.

Once you log in as a tenant admin, click on the Data Gateway option in the left panel.  By default, this will load the On-premises data gateways.

Click on the filter in the top right corner and select “On-premises data gateway (Personal mode)” to see all the personal gateways in your enterprise. These gateways will have their owners called out as administrators.

Clicking on “Open gateways” would show the machine running the personal gateway and its version

Clicking on the “Manage administrators” would show the owner of the personal gateway. This cannot be changed due to the security scope of personal gateways.


Note: On-premises data gateways in non-default environments are currently not included.


Manage installers for On-premises data gateways

This feature would help you as a global admin manage who can install On-premises data gateway within your enterprise. Click on the “Manage Gateway installers”

By default, this option would be turned off allowing anyone in your organization to install but you can turn on this feature on by using the toggle below.

You can then add users who can install gateways by typing the name or email in the text box and clicking on Add.

Similarly, you can also remove users who have install permissions. To do that, you would click on the icon next to the installer in question. Here, the tenant admin is removing Anna who we added in the last step. Clicking on Confirm below would remove Anna from the list of gateway installers.


Note: This does not impact gateways which are already installed. This feature only allows or restricts users from installing new gateways going forward.

If a person who doesn’t have access to install gateways tries to install one, they would get the following error once they provide their credentials during gateway registration.

Known issues

We are actively working on fixing the following issue and will update the blog once we do:

  • Groups aren’t supported at this point. Only individual users can be added as gateway admins or installer. Existing groups which are gateway admins will not be displayed .

As always, we would love to hear more from you, learn from your experience and improve based on your feedback. Thank You!

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Using Flow with on-premises data and applications Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:12:23 +0000 Announcing on-premises support for Microsoft Flow.

The post Using Flow with on-premises data and applications appeared first on Microsoft Power Platform Blog.

This week, we are excited to announce on-premises connectivity for Microsoft Flow. This can be achieved by using the on-premises data gateway, that allows you to establish secured connections and integrate them with your flows. At launch, the gateway functionality will be supported by SQL Server. As part of our business application platform, this gateway can be used across Power BI, PowerApps, and Microsoft Flow to deliver dashboards, reports, applications and flows leveraging on-premises sources.
In this blog post, we are going to look at creating a connection to an on-premise SQL database.
To start off, you will need to install a gateway on a machine that is in the same network as the SQL server. This machine must be always on and be always connected to the internet. Download the gateway installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation process.
When prompted to register the gateway, be sure to use the same credentials, as the ones used to sign-in to Microsoft Flow.

Registering a Gateway

Additonal details about gateway installation can be found here.

Create a new SQL connection

Once you are Microsoft Flow, select the account menu and navigate to the “My Connections”

Click “Add a Connection” button in the top right corner and then select SQL server.

Select the “Connect via on premise data gateway” checkbox. Next, provide the server name, database name, credentials and make sure the correct gateway is selected.

After successfully, creating the connection – you should be able to access the on-premise database that you just connected to. You can use this connection, in any other flow just as you would use any other connection.

Here are some SQL server templates that you can use right now.

Let us know how you are using Flow in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter to keep up with our latest updates and to learn more about how you use Flow to work smarter.

The post Using Flow with on-premises data and applications appeared first on Microsoft Power Platform Blog.
