{"id":23020,"date":"2023-04-05T06:50:46","date_gmt":"2023-04-05T13:50:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/power-platform\/blog\/power-apps\/power-apps-on-windows-updates\/"},"modified":"2023-04-05T06:50:46","modified_gmt":"2023-04-05T13:50:46","slug":"power-apps-on-windows-updates","status":"publish","type":"power-apps","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/power-platform\/blog\/power-apps\/power-apps-on-windows-updates\/","title":{"rendered":"Power Apps on Windows updates"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

We built Power Apps on Windows<\/a> (General Available since June 2022<\/a>) so that your apps can take advantage of advanced device capabilities and offline support from your PC or tablet. We’ve added some great new features that we’d like to share with you.<\/p>\n\n\n

What’s new? <\/h2>\n\n\n

Recent and pinned apps.<\/h3>\n\n\n

Find recent apps and pin favorite apps in the Windows jump list for Power Apps. Right click on the Power Apps icon in Taskbar and you\u2019ll see your recent apps right away. Use the pin icon to add an app to the Pinned list. <\/p>\n\n

Pin an app from the jump list!<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\n\n

Switch camera in the QR code scanner <\/h3>\n\n\n

We\u2019ve improved the QR code scanner control in canvas and model-driven apps. Users can now select which Camera to use to read the QR code.<\/p>\n\n\n

Select the camera to scan a barcode<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n\n\n

New Settings <\/h3>\n\n\n

Two new settings can make it easier for users to find their apps.\u00a0<\/p>\n\n\n