AI and the New Future of Work

Région: Global

About the program

Large language models and related AI systems are expected to fundamentally change how work gets done in the coming years.

Over the last two years, the Microsoft New Future of Work Initiative has funded academic projects related to how language models are fundamentally changing how work gets done. The intent has been to fund high-quality proposals that specifically explored the use of language models – small and large – in productivity scenarios and redefined what work is in various contexts.

Check out the Recipients tab to learn more about the projects funded in 2023 and 2024.

Future funding opportunities will be added here when available.

Key dates:

  • Proposal period is currently closed.
  • June 12, 2024:
    Spring 2024 CFP recipients announced

Microsoft will use the information submitted in response to Call for Proposals (CFP) at its discretion and has no obligation to provide responses or comments to any responder’s submission. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response.