Microsoft Liquid Quantum Challenge

Microsoft Quantum Challenge

地区: Global

The Quantum Challenge

The Challenge is now closed.

The Quantum Architectures and Computing Group QuArC is seeking exceptional students!

We are looking for students who are eager to expand their knowledge of quantum computing, and who can translate thoughts into programs.

How to enter

The Challenge is now closed.

First step, register (opens in new tab) for the Challenge so that you can receive updates about the contest.

In the challenge you will use the LIQUi|> simulator to solve a novel problem and then report on your findings. So, think of a project. Then, download the simulator from GitHub (opens in new tab) and use it to solve your problem. Finally, write a report about your findings and submit it. Your report submission will enter you into the Challenge.

In the report, present a description of the project including goals, methods, challenges, and any result obtained using LIQUi|>. You do not need to submit circuits and the software you develop, however, sample input and output for LIQUi|> must be submitted to show you used the simulator in the project. Your entry must consist of six pages or less, in PDF format.

The Challenge is open to students at colleges and universities world-wide (with a few restrictions) and aged 18+. No purchase necessary. For full details, see the Official Rules.

The prizes

The Challenge is now closed.

The Quantum Challenge is your chance to win a big prize!

  • First Prize:  $5,000
  • Second Prizes:  $2,500 (four available)
  • Honorary Mention:  Certificates will be presented to runner-up entries

Extra – visits or internship interviews

As a result of the challenge, some entrants could be invited to visit the QuArC team at Microsoft Research in Redmond, or have an opportunity to interview for internships at Microsoft Research. Internships are highly prestigious and involve working with the QuArC team for 12 weeks on cutting edge research.

Judging criteria

Entries will be judged by a panel of experts at Microsoft Research based on the following criteria:

  • 30% – Originality of the idea
  • 40% – Depth of use of the LIQUi|> simulator
  • 30% – Readability of the report


The Challenge is now closed.

Register for the challenge as soon as you can.

Ensure that your entry is six pages or less, in PDF format.

Make your submission via EasyChair (opens in new tab). You can edit your entry up until the closing time. Only one entry per person will be accepted. The Challenge lasts for ten weeks. The deadline for entries is April 29, 2016.