Microsoft Liquid Quantum Challenge

Microsoft Quantum Challenge

地区: Global

Quantum Challenge FAQ

  • Yes

  • No. The Challenge is only for students at universities (see the official rules).

  • No

  • Yes. Teams of up to three people are allowed. The team leader registers alone. The names of the team members are entered on EasyChair during submission and on the submitted report. If the submission wins, all team members will be acknowledged in any publicity and all team members will receive certificates. The cash prize will be sent only to the team leader who registered.

  • It depends on how well you know quantum computing and the area you are working in. A good rule of thumb would be two hours a day for a week, which would include writing the report.

  • Yes. The challenge is to apply the LIQUi|> simulator to a problem of your choosing.

  • No. Your write-up should include a description of how you used the simulator.