Bright blue graphic with geomatric color shapes on right

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship

地区: Global

For eligible students at universities globally pursuing research aligned to Microsoft Research areas of focus.

a woman who is smiling and looking at the camera
Becky Spittle (opens in new tab)

Birmingham City University
Future of Work

Woman with glasses
Cheryl Hagan

University of Pennsylvania
Race & Tech

Boy with glasses
Fuheng Zhao (opens in new tab)

University of California Santa Barbara
Data Platforms

Ge Zhang (opens in new tab)

Macquarie University
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Han Guo (opens in new tab)

Carnegie Mellon University
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

a woman smiling for the camera
Hanna Hieromnimon (opens in new tab)

University of Chicago
Health & Life Sciences

Girl who smiles
Hanzhi Wang

Renmin University of China
Human and Machine Intelligence

a man smiling for the camera
Haotian Li

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hardware and Software Systems

Hasnae Zerouaoui (opens in new tab)

Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

a man standing in front of a building
Heecheol Kim

University of Tokyo
Perception, Recognition, and Interaction

a man standing in front of a mountain
Hugo Lefeuvre (opens in new tab)

University of Manchester
Confidential Computing

a man wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
Joon Sung Park (opens in new tab)

Stanford University
Human-Computer Interaction

a man wearing a blue shirt
Kangle Deng (opens in new tab)

Carnegie Mellon University
Mixed Reality

a young man wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera
Kun Zhou

Renmin University of China
Human and Machine Intelligence

Linfeng Zhang

Tsinghua University
Human and Machine Intelligence

Lucius Bynum (opens in new tab)

New York University
Economics & Computational Social Sciences

Margaret Hughes (opens in new tab)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sociotechnical Systems

the smiling boy
Mauricio Mazuecos (opens in new tab)

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

a woman wearing a purple shirt
Mingran Yang (opens in new tab)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Systems and Networking

Naoya Muramatsu (opens in new tab)

University of Cape Town
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Paulo Freitas de Araujo Filho (opens in new tab)

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Security, Privacy, and Cryptography

Ruyi Ji

Peking University
Hardware and Software Systems

Sahra Ghalebikesabi (opens in new tab)

University of Oxford

Sanae Lotfi (opens in new tab)

New York University
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Simla Harma (opens in new tab)

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Cloud Infrastructure

a person posing for the camera
Tara Boroushaki (opens in new tab)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Systems and Networking

Tezira Wanyana (opens in new tab)

University of Cape Town
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Van Truong (opens in new tab)

University of Pennsylvania
Health & Life Sciences

Wenjing Wang

Peking University
Perception, Recognition, and Interaction

Xuanhe Zhou

Tsinghua University
Hardware and Software Systems

Yijia Zhang
Yijia Zhang (opens in new tab)

University of British Columbia
Race & Technology

a woman smiling for the camera
Yiping Ma (opens in new tab)

University of Pennsylvania
Security, Privacy, and Cryptography

Yuji Roh

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Human and Machine Intelligence

Yulin Wang

Tsinghua University
Perception, Recognition, and Interaction

Yuqi Li
Yuqi Li

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Computational Science

a person wearing glasses and smiling at the camera
Ze Liu

University of Science and Technology of China
Perception, Recognition, and Interaction