RL Open Source Fest header: hexagonal graphics with network node connectors on blue background

Reinforcement Learning Open-Source Fest

Introducing students to open-source reinforcement learning programs and software development.

Program dates: May – August 2023

Frequently asked questions

  • No. RL Open Source Fest is an activity that the student performs as an independent developer in collaboration with the real world reinforcement learning team at Microsoft Research, for which they are paid a stipend.

  • Yes. Think of this as a fun project on the side.

  • As much as you like!

  • The program occurs entirely online. There is no requirement to travel as part of the program.

  • You must be currently enrolled in an accredited academic institute’s undergraduate, Masters, or PhD program. Check out the application process here.

Additional questions? Feel free to send them to us at RLOSFEST@microsoft.com.