Climate Research Initiative - photo of a man with a tripod looking up at the Northern Lights

Microsoft Climate Research Initiative

Researchers working together to fight climate change

The Microsoft Climate Research Initiative (MCRI) is a community of multi-disciplinary researchers working together to fight climate change. Collectively, through collaborative research projects, this network of researchers and affiliates aims to advance a shared sustainability research agenda in support of global climate goals.

Microsoft, with our research and computing capabilities, is uniquely positioned to drive transformations in this space. However, deep and continuous engagement with domain experts is necessary in order to discover and develop ways to overcome constraints to decarbonization, carbon accounting, and to climate risk assessments.    

MCRI enables Microsoft to work with leading scientists from academic institutions and other research organizations on shared priorities that address key climate change challenges.

MCRI - a group of people stargazing the Milky Way

Our mission is to conduct targeted, cross-disciplinary, collaborative research to accelerate solutions that help combat climate change.


  • Accelerate cutting-edge research and transformative innovation in climate science and technology through collaboration
  • Develop and sustain a highly collaborative research ecosystem comprising diversity of perspectives across representation, expertise, institution, and geography
  • Provide strategic direction for climate-related research priorities and investments

«As researchers, we’re excited to work together on projects specifically selected for their potential impact on global climate challenges. With Microsoft’s computational capabilities and the domain expertise from our academic collaborators, our complementary strengths can accelerate progress in incredible ways.»

– Karin Strauss, Microsoft Senior Principal Research Manager

Our collaborators

UC Berkeley Dept of Chemistry logo
IPL Image Processing Lab logo
LSCE logo
MIT logo
MCRI - NOAA logo
Tsinghua University logo
University of Michigan logo
University of Reading logo
University of Washington logo
University of Valencia logo
Verisk logo
Wuhan University logo