a group of people standing in front of a building
2017年7月3日 - 2017年7月6日

AI Summer School 2017

地点: Microsoft Research Cambridge UK

Links :

Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship Programme

The Malmo Collaborative AI Challenge

PhD Summer School 2016

Microsoft Research Cambridge

This event is by invitation only.

The AI Summer School continued the tradition of the annual PhD Summer Schools that have been taking place at MSR Cambridge for the past 11 years. The 2017 School focussed on the topic of AI. 93 postgraduate students gathered in the Cambridge Lab in the week of 3 July 2017 to hear about AI, learn general research skills, get to know the MSR Cambridge Lab, and enjoy the opportunity to network and socialize with well-known people in the field as well as getting to know their peers from Universities across Europe and beyond.

Invited students included PhD students in their first or second year from universities and research institutions with which Microsoft Research partners, as well as winners of the Malmo Collaborative AI Challenge and Microsoft Research PhD Scholars.

Confirmed External Speakers

  • Zoubin Ghahramani, Professor, University of Cambridge
  • Rebecca Fiebrink, Lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London
  • Martin Jaggi, Assistant Professor, EPFL
  • Anab Jain, Superflux
  • Iain Murray, Reader, University of Edinburgh
  • Doina Precup, Associate Professor, McGill University
  • Thomas Ristenpart, Associate Professor, Cornell Tech 
  • John Schulman, OpenAI
  • Yee Whye Teh, Professor, University of Oxford
  • Shimon Whiteson, Associate Professor, University of Oxford
  • Steve Young, Professor, University of Cambridge

Confirmed Microsoft Speakers

  • Christopher Bishop, Distinguished Scientist and Lab Director, Microsoft Research
  • Dan Bohus, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Antonio Criminisi, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Jasmin Fisher, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Katja Hofmann, Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Olya Ohrimenko, Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Simon Peyton Jones, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Jamie Shotton, Partner Scientist Lead, Microsoft
  • Kenji Takeda, Director, Microsoft Research
  • Alex Taylor, Researcher, Microsoft Research

About the Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship Programme

The Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship Programme was developed in 2004 to support research collaborations between academics in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region with Microsoft Research researchers in the Cambridge Lab. Currently, there are approximately 100 students working at universities and research organizations across the whole region on peer-reviewed projects and in collaboration with their Microsoft Research Cambridge co-supervisors.


Scientific Chair

Christopher Bishop, MSR Cambridge

Christopher Bishop, MSR Cambridge

Scientific Committee

Manuel Costa, MSR Cambridge

Manuel Costa, MSR Cambridge

Katja Hofmann, MSR Cambridge

Katja Hofmann, MSR Cambridge

Cecily Morrison, MSR Cambridge

Cecily Morrison, MSR Cambridge

Sebastian Nowozin, MSR Cambridge

Sebastian Nowozin, MSR Cambridge

Ryota Tomioka, MSR Cambridge

Ryota Tomioka, MSR Cambridge

General Chair

Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, MSR Cambridge

Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, MSR Cambridge

Logistics Chair

Sue Flanders, MSR Cambridge

Sue Flanders, MSR Cambridge