a group of people standing in front of a building
2017年7月3日 - 2017年7月6日

AI Summer School 2017

地点: Microsoft Research Cambridge UK

  • The agenda will be full of exciting events including demonstrations, talks and discussions, which will enable you to interact with together with networking events. Please see the agenda tab for more details.

  • AI Summer School 2017 will start with registration at the Microsoft Research LAB from 12-13.30 on Monday 3rd July 2017 with sessions planned for the rest of the afternoon including an evening Welcome Reception. Transportation will be arranged from Microsoft LAB to Selwyn College after the Welcome Reception event has finished. Check in at Selwyn College will be at the Porter’s Lodge.If you are travelling with luggage, this can be stored securely for you.

  • Book your travel as soon as possible so that you can be sure to arrive no later than 12:00 for registration and lunch on Monday, 3rd July 2017 and leave no earlier than 12:00 on Thursday, 6th July 2017 if you are NOT planning to attend our optional trip to the Summer Science Exhibition in London.If you are planning to attend the Summer Science Exhibition, lunch and transportation will be made available but it is your responsibility for arranging any additional accommodation for the night of July 6th and beyond as well as any additional meals.Travel tips:

    • Where possible, fly into either London Stansted or London City Airport, which are closer to Cambridge and less congested.
    • Avoid flying into London Heathrow or London Gatwick airports, which are quite a distance from Cambridge.
    • Cambridge Airport runs flights to and from a limited number of European destinations.
    • Use the train where possible; it’s better for the environment!
  • Please register for your accommodation via the link in your invitation by 30 May 2017. Reservations should not be made directly. Ensure to request a room for the day that you arrive.

  • Checkout is before 09:30 am on Thursday 6th July 2017.

  • Luggage cannot be left at Selwyn College once you have checked out on Thursday 6th July, but can be stored securely at Microsoft Cambridge whilst you attend the final morning of Summer School.

  • All non-Microsoft visitors to the Microsoft Cambridge Research Office requiring a Business Travel Support letter to support their visa should request this letter directly via the Business Travel Letter Tool. NB: All non-Microsoft visitors must have or create a Microsoft account, such as Outlook.com or Hotmail.com to access the Business Travel Letter Tool and submit a request.

    During this process, you will be asked for the name of the Microsoft sponsor. Please provide Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche as the FTE who will be asked to approve your request once you have submitted this in the tool.

    Note – please apply for your Business Support Letter immediately after registering to attend this event as the visa process can take a few weeks to complete and we don’t want you disappointed if this does not come through in time.

  • You are responsible for getting to Selwyn College and should follow the travel reimbursement guidelines. All transportation during Summer School will be provided, including transfers between Selwyn College and Microsoft Research.

  • The dress code whilst you are at Microsoft Cambridge for Summer School is smart/casual.

    No caps/baseball hats or shorts will be permitted at Downing College Dinner. Smart dress is encouraged but not mandatory and if men are going to wear T-shirts they should be collared.

  • Selwyn College will offer free Wi-Fi in the bedrooms and public areas. Microsoft Research will offer free Wi-Fi access in the building. There will be instructions available when you access the building.

  • Vegetarian options will be provided for all meals and snacks. Should you have any additional special dietary needs, please make sure you let us know during your registration.

  • Please email a-suef@microsoft.com to advise of any other special requirements that you require whilst staying with us during Summer School. Microsoft have a prayer room for those students wishing to use this.

  • Yes, if you have consented to sharing your details during your online registration.

  • If you consented to sharing your photographs during your online registration, you will have access to the photographs after the event.

    • In a medical emergency, dial 999
    • For a non-emergency, a list of local medical surgeries can be found here or ring one listed below:
      • Cherry Hinton Medical Centre 0844 8151440
      • Bridge Street Medical Centre 08444 773939
      • Petersfield Medical Practice 01223 350 647
      • York Street Medical Practice 01223 364 116
    • In the case of sickness or an emergency, where possible, please notify Sue Flanders, PhD Scholarship Programme Manager on 01223 476 996 or by email a-suef@microsoft.com as soon as you can.