CHI 2020 blue pattern graphic
2020年4月27日 - 2020年5月1日

Microsoft Research @ CHI 2020

地点: Virtual

Conference URL: CHI 2020 (opens in new tab)

CHI may be cancelled this year, but you can still catch up on new research in HCI at Microsoft. Find all our CHI-accepted papers here (opens in new tab) and join us on Twitter the week of April 27, 2020 to #ChatWithMSFTResearch (opens in new tab) on compelling topics in human-computer interaction.

CHI 2020 Chat with Microsoft Research on Twitter

From April 27 to May 1, 2020 Microsoft Research will host twice daily chat sessions on Twitter (opens in new tab) with Microsoft researchers from different research areas and labs. Each topic will have two chat sessions so researchers and developers from around the world can participate in the conversation.

Topics, questions, and participants

    1. What is HCAI and how does it compare to AI and human-centered design research?
    2. How does HCAI relate to ethical or responsible AI?
    3. What are the pros and cons of modeling AI systems to be close to human-like?
    4. What resources and tools should be in any UX designer’s toolkit for working on HCAI?
    5. What are open challenges in HCAI?

    Group 1 participants (10 AM PT):

    Saleema Amershi Dr. Saleema Amershi (@SaleemaAmershi (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI helping people create intuitive and responsible AI user experiences. Mary Czerwinski Dr. Mary Czerwinski (@marycz (opens in new tab)) is a Partner Cognitive Psychologist who manages the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) research group in MSR AI.
    Javier Hernandez Javier Hernandez (@javherriv (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher at the Human Understanding and Empathy group and his research is focused on the development of emotionally intelligent tools to further the understanding of humans. Gonzalo Ramos Dr. Gonzalo Ramos (@GonzaloWorks (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at the GRAIL group in MSR+AI, where he focuses in studying and designing experiences where people and machines collaborate to solve complex problems.
    Vaishnavi Ranganathan Vaishnavi Ranganathan (@Gardenbug2 (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher in the Mobility and Networking Research group, researching wireless sensor networks for health, smart cities, and environment. Jaime Teevan Jaime Teevan (@jteevan (opens in new tab)) is a Chief Scientist at Microsoft. Professor at UW. Mother to four wild boys. #AI #HCI #Productivity #FutureOfWork
    Mihaela Vorvoreanu Dr. Mihaela Vorvoreanu (@mihaela_v (opens in new tab)) is Head of UX Research for Aether, Microsoft’s committee for responsible AI. Hanna Wallach Dr. Hanna Wallach (@hannawallach (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC. Her research focuses on issues of fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics as they relate to AI and machine learning.
    Jenn Wortman Vaughan Dr. Jenn Wortman Vaughan (@jennwvaughan (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC spending the bulk of her time on human-centered approaches to fair and interpretable machine learning.

    Group 2 participants (10 AM UTC):

    Daniel McDuff Dr. Daniel McDuff (@danmcduff (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI in the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) group. Amit Sharma Amit Sharma (@amt_shrma (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India, working on causal reasoning and the role of technology in mental healthcare.
    Anja Thieme Anja Thieme (@anja_thieme (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher in the Healthcare Intelligence group at MSR Cambridge. She investigates the design of responsible AI applications for improving mental healthcare. Ding Wang Ding Wang (@justaburbo (opens in new tab)) is a Postdoc Researcher in Technology for Emerging Markets in Microsoft Research India, and her research focuses the future of healthcare work, specifically how chat app is used as work tools in healthcare settings.
    Denise Wilkins Denise Wilkins (@DenWilks (opens in new tab)) is a social scientist within an interest in the Future of Work, organizational knowledge, and human-centered AI.
    1. What are the current trends at the intersection of HCI and health or HCI and accessibility?
    2. Do you see new challenges for accessibility and health research considering the recent increase in remote work?
    3. What work is being done in accessibility and health research for the developing world?
    4. What are some HCI challenges for using AI systems in accessibility research?
    5. Which resources and tools should be in any developer’s toolkit for working on accessibility and health?

    Group 1 participants (10 AM PT):

    Meredith Ringle Morris Meredith Ringel Morris (@merrierm (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR, where she leads the Ability Team; she is a 2020 inductee into the CHI Academy. Eyal Ofek Dr. Eyal Ofek (@Eyal_Ofek (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR EPIC Group, researching virtual reality, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction.
    Vaishnavi Ranganathan Vaishnavi Ranganathan (@Gardenbug2 (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher in the Mobility and Networking Research group, researching wireless sensor networks for health, smart cities, and environment. Teddy Seyed Dr. Teddy Seyed (@TeddySeyed (opens in new tab)) works at the intersection of wearables, devices, and fashion-tech, designing new experiences and technologies for all.
    Ding Wang Ding Wang (@justaburbo (opens in new tab)) is a Postdoc Researcher in Technology for Emerging Markets in Microsoft Research India, and her research focuses the future of healthcare work, specifically how chat app is used as work tools in healthcare settings.

    Group 2 participants (10 AM UTC):

    Gesu India Gesu India (@gesuindia (opens in new tab)) is a Research Fellow working in Technology for Emerging Markets group at MSR India. Her research is focused on using assistive tech to encourage STEM education for children with vision impairments. Mohit Jain Mohit Jain (@mohit088 (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher at MSR India, developing smartphone-based low-cost diagnostics for critical diseases.
    Amit Sharma Amit Sharma (@amt_shrma (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research India, working on causal reasoning and the role of technology in mental healthcare. Manohar Swaminathan Manohar Swaminathan (@swamimanoha (opens in new tab)) is working in the intersection of mixed reality, accessibility, and education.
    Anja Thieme Anja Thieme (@anja_thieme (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher in the Healthcare Intelligence group at MSR Cambridge. She investigates the design of responsible AI applications for improving mental healthcare.
    1. What are the current trends at the intersection of HCI and mixed reality and telepresence?
    2. How are you conducting research on mixed reality considering social distancing?
    3. What kinds of studies and techniques should researchers consider while working remotely?
    4. How can researchers increase access to inclusive mixed reality and telepresence?
    5. Which resources and tools should be in any developer’s toolkit for working on mixed reality and telepresence?

    Group 1 participants (10 AM PT):

    Ed Cutrell Ed Cutrell (@edcutrell (opens in new tab)) is a Research Scientist with Microsoft Research, working with the MSR Ability team to explore new technologies for disability and accessibility. Eyal Ofek Dr. Eyal Ofek (@Eyal_Ofek (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR EPIC Group, researching virtual reality, augmented reality, and human-computer interaction.
    Meredith Ringle Morris Meredith Ringel Morris (@merrierm (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR, where she leads the Ability Team; she is a 2020 inductee into the CHI Academy. John Tang John Tang (@JCTatWork (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR that focuses on using video and audio to connect people across distance and how to make that accessible.

    Group 2 participants (10 AM UTC):

    Sean Rintel Sean Rintel (@seanrintel (opens in new tab)) explores the Future of Work at Microsoft Research Cambridge UK, focusing on socially intelligent meetings. Manohar Swaminathan Manohar Swaminathan (@swamimanoha (opens in new tab)) is working in the intersection of mixed reality, accessibility, and education.
    1. How has the role of “programmer” changed in the era of data science?
    2. How can AI improve productivity for software engineers?
    3. How has working remotely affected your productivity while maintaining a work/life balance?
    4. How will your current experiences with productivity influence how we think about productivity in the future?
    5. How are you managing visualizations during meetings when looking at inclusiveness, scale, and awareness?
    6. What challenges occur when evolving and uncertain data is used to create visualizations?

    Group 1 participants (10 AM PT):

    Titus Barik Titus Barik (@barik (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Researcher in PROSE, building development tools for software engineers and data scientists. Steven Drucker Steven Drucker (@sdrucker (opens in new tab)) is an information visualization researcher, head of the Visualization and Data Analytics group in Microsoft Research, and Papers Co-Chair for CHI2021.
    Jake Hofman Jake Hofman (@jakehofman (opens in new tab)) is a Senior Principal Researcher at MSR NYC in the computational social science group. Shamsi Iqbal Shamsi Iqbal (@iqbal_st (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at MSR AI focusing on multitasking, productivity and attention management.
    Gonzalo Ramos Dr. Gonzalo Ramos (@GonzaloWorks (opens in new tab)) is a Principal Researcher at the GRAIL group in MSR+AI, where he focuses in studying and designing experiences where people and machines collaborate to solve complex problems. Teddy Seyed Dr. Teddy Seyed (@TeddySeyed (opens in new tab)) works at the intersection of wearables, devices, and fashion-tech, designing new experiences and technologies for all.

    Group 2 participants (10 AM UTC):

    Advait Sarkar Advait Sarkar (@advaitsarkar (opens in new tab)) does research on spreadsheets, AI, and user interface design. Denise Wilkins Denise Wilkins (@DenWilks (opens in new tab)) is a social scientist within an interest in the Future of Work, organizational knowledge, and human-centered AI.

Follow along with each chat session with #ChatWithMSFTResearch (opens in new tab) on Twitter (opens in new tab).